CH Transaction Type

The Charge (CH) Transaction Type is a simple transaction type. The transaction structure lends itself to many different delivered uses and typically a few more defined to meet local needs. The primary Cost Accounting use of the transaction is to record programmatic costs to Cost Accounting budgets for such items as Back End Split Charges, Revenue Credits, and Charges. Another uses are cost allocations and overhead. (Please note that Cost Allocation is covered in the separate Cost Allocation User Guide.) The other features of CGI Advantage using the Charge Transaction Type are: Check Writer, Debt Management, Automatic Accruals, and Manual Accruals.

These multiple uses have resulted in many difference presentations of the Charge and different transaction codes. The basic presentation (fCHRG) is the one delivered for the Charge Transaction Code that is used by all manual and system processes described in this user guide. The User Guides mentioned with each contain more information on how layouts may differ as well as different indented uses of the delivered transaction codes of this versatile transaction type.

The CH Transaction Type has the ability to generate accounting lines on version 1 of a transaction to simplify data entry or as part of an interface. To generate accounting lines enter or choose an Accounting Profile and specify a non-zero Expected Amount. The next validate or submit action will create one or more accounting lines based on the accounting template record(s) of the accounting profile. The Expected Amount field is then split across accounting lines based on the percentage defined for each accounting template within the profile. No lines will be generated if accounting line already exists.

The Alternate Bank Account field on the header of the CH transaction type allows the user to select a bank without viewing the sensitive banking information. This picklist is populated using the Valid Transaction Code Department Bank Combination (VHDRBNK) page, limiting to only allowed banks and not every bank, as with the standard Bank Account field. When a value is entered or selected for this field, the value is pushed to the standard Bank Account field. As the Valid Transaction Code Department Bank Combination page is being used, a user may not even have to choose a bank as the Deposit Default setting can provide a default to the standard Bank Account field. When using the alternate field, it is wise to protect the standard bank field to remove the pick that shows sensitive information. Leaving it visible will allow users to see a default or see a value uploaded or interfaced.

This transaction type has two levels of structure:

CH Delivered Transaction Codes