Automated Disbursement Processing

The Automated Disbursement Chain (AD Chain) in Advantage Financial is a group of jobs that work together to create disbursement transactions from the payment request transactions. The Automated Disbursements process selects authorized payments, edits payments for validity, processes payment adjustments, groups the payments, formats payments, and posts payment transactions. In short, it is the process that takes payment data (posted in the form of a Commodity Payment Request, Matching Payment Request, or General Accounting Expenditure transaction), and transforms this into a disbursement instrument. This process also generates the transactions to record the Intercept Transfers.  

The Automated Disbursement process uses the Disbursement Parameters (DISPA) table to drive the selection of disbursement requests from the Disbursement Request (DISRQ) table. Each record on DISPA is a complete set of selection parameters. Individual records may be set as either Active or Inactive.  When the Automated Disbursements process is initiated, each active record in the Disbursement Parameters (DISPA) table is evaluated as disbursement request selection criteria.

The batch process will determine if the records that remain on the DISRQ table, after the vendor editing steps complete, are eligible for any adjustments in the amount that will be disbursed.  This includes calculations for discounts, tax, penalties, interest, 1099 backup withholding, contract withholding, 1042S withholding, and credit memos.

Below is a brief description. For detailed information on the Automated Disbursement Chain process (such as when to run, input, output, calculation logic, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage Accounts Payable Run Sheets guide.

Amount Calculation





Backup Withholding

1042S Backup Withholding

Contract Withholding


Credit Memo Adjustments

Disbursement Limit Check

Payment Intercepts

Payment Grouping and Consolidation

Generation of Automated Disbursement Transactions

Updates Made by the AD XML Creation job

Note: Even though the above jobs in the chain can be run individually by disabling other jobs, it is recommended to always run the entire chain. Please refer the CGI Advantage Accounts Payable Run Sheets guide for more information about how to run the AD Chain Job.