Check/EFT Sort Precedence

The Check/EFT Sort Precedence (CHKSORT) page allows you to define the sort order of disbursements selected by the Check Number Assignment job (which is part of the AD Chain) for the purpose of assigning check and EFT numbers. The first process in the AD Chain requires at least one record on CHKSORT with the Disbursement Type of ALL in case it processes records for a Disbursement Type that has not been defined on this page. If at least one record with a Disbursement Type of ALL is not found, the AD XML Creation process will issue an error and fail parameter validation.

Most choices in the Sort Field listing are automatically populated and available for sorting. However, there are a few that are not initially populated and require additional setup.

Referenced Transaction Department (RFED_DOC_DEPT_CD) stores information about one of the referenced transaction departments. The following two examples demonstrate how to populate RFED_DOC_DEPT_CD using BOFRMLA to include the first accounting line or highest department code. When using the highest department code, department codes should use the same number of digits. If defined inconsistently, the sort order may not be as desired.

Sorting by this department field is common when the transaction department is a single department for all payments. Using the referenced transaction department allows for printed disbursements to be easily transferred to the respective departments for distribution.

Example 1- Highest Department

Example 2- First Department

Transaction Reference (TRANS_REF) stores information about the transaction referenced. The following shows how to set up BOFRMLA to populate the field so that disbursements can be sorted. Please note that the ‘ABS’ in the field name does not mean that only ABS transactions are recorded in the field but all transaction types that can request a payment.

Using TRANS_REF goes one step further than using RFED_DOC_DEPT_CD as sorting will be on the entire ID of the payment request down to vendor line and not just the department.  

  1. The Name and Description fields are not involved in the default.

  2. AD_DOC_VEND as Business Object.

  3. Trigger Action is Inserted or Updated.

  4. TRANS_REF as Formula Field.

  5. The following as Formula:

var actgLines = this.getADVendActg() while(actgLines.hasMoreElements()) { var currLn = actgLines.nextElement();

if (currLn.getDOC_ACTG_LN_NO() == 1) { var rfedInfo = currLn.getRFED_DOC_CD() + currLn.getRFED_DOC_DEPT_CD() + currLn.getRFED_DOC_ID(); var rfedVendLn = currLn.getRFED_VEND_LN_NO() if (rfedVendLn < 10) { rfedVendLn = '000' + rfedVendLn } else if (rfedVendLn < 100) { rfedVendLn = '00' + rfedVendLn } else if (rfedVendLn < 1000) { rfedVendLn = '0' + rfedVendLn } return rfedInfo + rfedVendLn; } } return "";

  1. Active indication as true.

  2. Priority of 999.

Note: Whenever a BOFRMLA is configured, the application has to be bounced in order to implement the changes.

AD Budget FY (AD_BFY) stores information about the BFY of the first accounting line for sorting.  The following shows how to setup BOFRMLA to populate the field so that disbursements can be sorted on Budget FY.

Using AD_BFY allows for sorting so that prior BFY payments are ordered before current BFY payments.

  1. The Name and Description fields are not involved in the default.

  2. AD_DOC_VEND as Business Object.

  3. Trigger Action as Inserted or Updated.

  4. AD_BFY as Formula Field.

  5. The following as Formula:

var actgLines = this.getADVendActg(); if (actgLines.hasMoreElements()){ return actgLines.nextElement().getCURR_BFY(); } return null;

  1. Active indication as true.

  2. Priority of 999.

Note: Whenever a BOFRMLA is configured, the application has to be bounced in order to implement the changes.

Header Sort 1 (CHK_SORT_HDR1), found on the Automatic Disbursement and Manual Disbursement headers, exists to store header level information for check sorting. The field is a database only field. It can store a header level field like the Legal Name or Alias/DBA or both depending upon setup of Name on Check from the Vendor/Customer record for sorting. The following examples shows how to set up BOFRMLA to populate the field so that disbursements can be sorted on Header Sort 1.

Header Sort 1 from AD Transaction

Fields not listed can be set to any desired value as they are not part of the formula logic.

  1. AD_DOC_HDR as Business Object.

  2. Trigger Action as Inserted or Updated.

  3. CHK_SORT_HDR1 as Formula Field.

  4. The following as Formula:

  1. Active indication as true.

  2. Priority of 999.

Header Sort 1 from MD Transaction

  1. The Name and Description fields are not involved in the default.

  2. MD_DOC_HDR as Business Object.

  3. Trigger Action as Inserted or Updated.

  4. CHK_SORT_HDR1 as Formula Field.

  5. The following as Formula:

  1. Active indication as true.

  2. Priority of 999.

Note: Whenever a BOFRMLA is configured, the application must be bounced to implement the changes.