Check Status Update
The Check Status Update page allows users to change the Status of a check, provide a Cancellation Reason, request a stop payment, enter a comment, and provide a Cleared Date. This page is accessible from the Check Reconciliation page Status updates do not generate accounting entries. If needed, those entries must be recorded in a separate transaction.
Checks that have been placed on stopped payment cannot have a Cleared Date entered. To clear the check manually, the status must not be one of the stop payment statuses.
Since users have the ability to change status, it may be necessary to restrict users from changing the status to a stop payment process that is not chosen by your site. Below is an example validation added using Configuration Validation at your site if you use the simple stop payment option with the status of Stopped and you don’t want your users to use the alternate stop payment statuses offered in Advantage.
Business Object: R_AP_CHK_RECON
Name: Prevent alternate stop payment status.
Active: Yes
Priority: 999
Validation Type: Validation
Description: Prevent alternate stop payment option
Trigger Action: Updated
Validation: this.isChanged("CHK_STA") and (CHK_STA == 100 or CHK_STA == 101 or CHK_STA == 102 or CHK_STA == 103)
Validation Severity: Error
Validation Text: [Sample] The stop payment status is restricted per department procedures (BORULE).
To enforce the above validation at the Bank Account level, add the additional constraint to the Validation field as follows (sample shown for Bank Account code 0001 and 0002):
Validation: this.isChanged("CHK_STA") and (CHK_STA == 100 or CHK_STA == 101 or CHK_STA == 102 or CHK_STA == 103) and StringUtils.containsAny(BANK_ACCT_CD,’0001’,’0002’)
If your site uses the more extensive stop payment statuses, you may want to restrict the use of status code of 9 and 10 by adjusting the above sample rule.
Check Status 9 is Stopped
Check Status 10 is Undelivered
Check Status 100 is Request Stop Reissue
Check Status 101 is Request Stop Cancel
Check Status 102 is Pending Stop Reissue
Check Status 103 is Pending Stop Cancel
To prevent users from entering the Clear Date when status is changed to any of the Request / Pending stop payments statuses.
Business Object: R_AP_CHK_RECON
Validation Type: Validation
Trigger Action: Updated
Validation: this.isChanged("CHK_STA") and (CHK_STA == 100 or CHK_STA == 101 or CHK_STA == 102 or CHK_STA == 103) and CLR_DT !=null
Validation Field: CLR_DT
Validation Severity: Error
Validation Text: [Sample] The Clear Date cannot be entered as the check has a stop payment status. If the check is no longer stopped, set it to the accurate status.