Create a Manual Check with Adjustment Amounts
This script walks through the creation of a Manual Disbursement (MD) that requires the entry of adjustment amounts to go along with the gross payment amount. Also illustrated will be the edits associated with the entry of adjustment amounts. The adjustment amounts that may be taken on a Manual Disbursement are the Discount Amount, Penalty Amount, Interest Amount, Backup Withholding Amount, Contract Withholding Amount, and Retainage Amount.
Note, the retainage amount is derived (i.e. not user entered) based on the referenced payment request transaction accounting line. If the referenced transaction does not have pending retainage, the MD will not derive any retainage amount. The Exclude Retainage check box may be used if the manual disbursement should ignore the retainage amount derivation and leave this amount at $0 even if the referenced payment request contains a pending retainage amount.
Interest amount can be entered at the MD transaction accounting line. The MD transaction will validate Interest flag on the SOPT table whether Interest is allowed. If the interest amount is entered on the transaction but on the SOPT table, interest option is not selected, MD transaction will issue an overrideable error.
If the Backup Withholding Amount is entered, the MD transaction will verify whether the entered Object code or Sub Object or BSA or SBSA codes are eligible for back up withholding. If none of the entered elements are eligible for backup withholding and the Backup Withholding Amount is still entered, the transaction will issue an error. Other criteria also must be met for backup withholding. Refer to the "Backup Withholding" section in the Automated Disbursement Processing topic for more information.
If the Contract Withholding Amount is entered, the MD transaction will verify whether the transaction, vendor, commodity, object, sub object, appropriation, program, BSA, sub BSA, or referenced accounting line is exempt from contract withholding. If contract withholding is exempt, the transaction will issue an error. The MD transaction will also issue an error if Contract Withholding Amount is entered and Backup Withholding is nonzero, Contract Withholding is disabled on 1099P, or this is a PCard payment and Apply Contract Withholding to PCard Payments is disabled on 1099P.
To create a manual check with discount entered, perform these steps:
AP User - Enter a payment request with discount terms defined.
AP Central User - Copy forward from the payment request to the manual disbursement.
AP Central User - Enter information needed on the header, vendor line, and accounting line.
In addition, on the accounting line, enter
a discount amount that is greater
than the discount terms specified (in this case the user takes a 20% discount
instead of the 5% specified on the payment request).
Note: the MD does not validate whether the referenced transaction contains
discount terms or whether the discount terms are met.
AP Central User - Validate and Submit the transaction.
AP Central User - Review Accounting Model.
Note: one of the non-standard posting lines uses Posting Pair H from the event type. This is the posting pair that records the accounting activity for discounts.