Create a Disbursement Correction
The steps below are for making corrections to checks that printed on preprinted check stock and plain check stock. The need to void checks is required when printing on preprinted check stock since the check number may only be used on one preprinted stock. Plain check stock allows for the ability to reprint a check with the same check number.
There are 7 options for Disbursement Correction. Refer to the "Disbursement Correction Process" topic for more information.
To renumber and reprint (Pre-Printed Check Stock), perform these steps:
Identify the checks that require disbursement correction and ask someone with the proper authority to enter the record on the Disbursement Correction table.
(System Administrator) Setup Disbursement Correction Parameters (DISBCP).
Select a Check Stock Type. For example, select Preprinted.
Set Bank Account to JK10 (bank account used on EFTs).
Set Correction Type to Renumber / Reprint.
Set Correction Reason to users choice - free form.
Enter a Start Check Number.
Enter an End Check Number.
Enter a New Start Number (user defined, may not necessarily be next sequential check as it depends on issue with printing). Depending on the Correction Type selected, this field may be required.
The Active Flag will be set to True (only active records are picked up by the Disb Correction batch job) when a newly inserted record is saved. If you do not want the batch process to select this record, the Active Flag should be cleared.
(System Administrator) Execute the Disbursement Correction batch process.
Review Report Output. The batch process would have renumbered the checks that were entered in the Start check number and End check number fields with the new number and changed the print status indicator on the corresponding disbursement transactions to Ready for Reprint. The job also would have updated the appropriate records on the Check Reconciliation Table.
Please refer to the CGI Advantage - Sample Scenarios for Disbursement Corrections guide for important information. This guide provides detailed information on solving printing issues.