Understand the Automated Disbursement Process

Automated Disbursements is the process that disburses payments that have been authorized in Accounts Payable. The Automated Disbursements process selects authorized payments, edits payments for validity, processes payment adjustments, groups payment data, formats payments, and posts payment transactions. In short, it is the process that takes payment data (posted in the form of commodity based payment requests (PRC, PRM, and so forth) and accounting based payment request transactions (GAX, GAIP, and so forth)), and transforms them into a disbursement instrument.

Prior to running the AD Chain, you can ensure your payments have consistent Bank Accounts and/or consistent Single Payment flag settings.  A Bank Account Code can be specified on the payment request Header level as well as the Accounting Line level. Either (or both) of these Bank Accounts may be different from the Check/EFT Bank Account Code associated with a referenced Fund code on the FUND table. The Bank Account Code from the Payment Request Accounting Line is stored on the Disbursement Request (DISRQ) table and used by the AD Chain to generate Check/EFT payments. Using the Disbursement Initialization batch job, your site may enforce that the Bank Accounts for the payments be consistent with the Bank Account from the Fund table. Specifying disbursements as single payments (that is, bypassing consolidation) may be specified at the time of the Payment Request or by changing the Single Payment flag on the disbursement requests using one of the Disbursement Management pages or transaction (DISRQ, DISBMD, or DRM transaction). The Single Payment flag can also be changed by the Disbursement Initialization batch job. For more details on this job, refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage Accounts Payable Run Sheets guide.

Refer to the Automated Disbursement Processing topic for detailed information about the Automated Disbursements chain process.