Warrant Clearing Inference

  • The Warrant Clearing Inference (WCI) page allows sites to define rules to support inference of Disbursement Bank Account, warrant clearing fund, and warrant clearing sub fund to support the External Payment functionality.

  • This functionality is available for sites using the Clearing Fund Warrants model. The application prevents any records from being created or updated on WCI if the Disbursement Option field in the System Options (SOPT) page is anything other than Clearing Fund Warrant or Clearing Fund Warrant/EFT.

  • The Warrant Clearing Inference page includes the following fields:

File Name


Fiscal Year (FY)

A required fiscal year field that forms part of the primary key. Users can select valid values from the Fiscal Year page.

Disbursement Category


A required Disbursement Category field that forms part of the primary key. Users can select valid values from the Disbursement Category page.

Disbursement Type


A required Disbursement Type CVL field that forms part of the primary key. Users can select valid values from the Disbursement Type page.

Disbursement Format


A required field that forms part of the primary key. Users can select valid values from the Disbursement format page.

Payment Type


A required Payment Type CVL field with valid values of Vendor and Summary.

  • Select Vendor for detailed disbursements, which are generated from within Advantage. 

  • Select Summary to post only the accounting entries for payments that originate externally from Advantage. 

Warrant Clearing Fund


A required field of the fund in which the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer is being accounted for. Value must be valid on the Fund page.

Warrant Clearing Sub Fund


An optional field of the sub fund in which the Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer is being accounted for. Value must be valid on the  Sub Fund page.

Disbursement Bank Account


A required field of the bank account code used for external disbursements. Value must valid be on the Bank page.

The AD/MD/EFT transactions utilize Fiscal Year, Disbursement Category, Disbursement Format, Disbursement Type, and update the Disbursement Bank Account field on AD/EFT/MD transactions and other inquiry pages.

Increase Disbursement Clearing Account


A required bank account code to record an increase in clearing account that goes from the main account to another disbursement account. Sometimes referred to as a floating bank account. Value should be valid on the Bank page or the wild card value N/A.

The Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction process utilizes this bank account to update a record for increase on the database Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer table.

Increase Disbursement Clearing Account Transaction Type


This CVL field specifies the type of disbursement transfer when there is an increase in the clearing account. It is conditionally required when the Increase Disbursement Clearing Account is not equal to N/A.

Valid values are Bank Only and Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer.

The Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction process utilizes this field to generate transactions based on the selected CVL value.

Decrease Disbursement Clearing Account


A required bank account code to record a decrease in clearing account. Value should be valid on the Bank page or the wild card value N/A.

The Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction process utilizes this field to update a record for decrease on the database Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer table.

Decrease Disbursement clearing Account Transaction Type


This CVL field specifies the type of disbursement transfer when there’s a decrease in the clearing account. It is conditionally required when Decrease Disbursement Clearing Account is not equal to N/A.

Valid values are Bank Only and Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer

The Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction process utilizes this field to generate transactions based on the selected CVL value.

Increase Disbursement Funding Account


A required bank account code when there is an increase in the funding account. Value should be valid on the Bank page or the wild card value N/A.

The Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction process utilizes this field to update a record for Increase on the database Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer table.

Increase Disbursement Funding Account Transaction Type


This specifies the type of disbursement transfer when there is an increase in the funding account. The CVL field is conditionally required when the Increase Disbursement Funding Account is not equal to N/A.

Valid values are Bank Only and Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer.

The Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction process utilizes this field to generate transactions based on the selected CVL value.

Decrease Disbursement Funding Account

A required bank account code when there is a decrease in the funding account. Value should be valid on the Bank page or the wild card value N/A.

The Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction process utilizes this field to update a record for decrease on database Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer table.

Decrease Disbursement Funding Account Transaction Type

This CVL specifies the type of disbursement transfer when there is a decrease in the funding account. It is conditionally required when the Increase Disbursement Funding Account is not equal to N/A

Valid values are Bank Only and Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer

The Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction process utilizes this field to generate transactions based on the selected CVL value.

Warrant Clearing Description

This field is optional. It is a free form text field that allows users to define brief descriptive information relevant to the record.

Note: Refer to the “System Processing for External Payment” topic for further details on the “Warrant Clearing Bank Transfer Transaction” process.