Budgeting Accounting Model
The event types in this area are different from most others because they contain a single posting code and do not belong to an event category that places them into an event type processor. For that reason, the posting pairs do not have names assigned. Additionally, the debit indication for each posting code does not determine how a budget amount is updated. The Increase/Decrease value on the budget line associated with an event type determines if an amount is to be increased or decreased.
Budget transactions also do not have referencing capability, so the Prior and Subsequent Event Type tabs have been omitted in this business area. A reader will also encounter the word 'commonly' many times in the descriptions of different event types. This is because the exact use of a budget amount and event type(s) that update it are an implementation decision.
BG01: Adopt An Expense Budget - This event type is commonly used to create budget lines on an expense budget structure or budget structure that tracks both spending and revenue. At a determined point in time, the event type is normally restricted from use because amounts in the Adopted budget amount have to tie to a legislative budget or other budget authority.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B001: Expenditure Budget - Adoption
BG02: Allocate An Expense Budget - This event type is commonly used when the budget reserve model that utilizes the Allocated amount to increase Current Budget instead of Adopted. Please see the Budget Reserve functionality in the CGI Advantage Financial - Budgeting User Guide for more information on how to use this feature. Both an expense budget structure and a budget structure that tracks both spending and revenue are updated by this event type.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B007: Expenditure Budget - Allocation
BG03: Amend An Expense Budget - This event type is commonly used to adjust budget lines for new budget authority in the Amendments budget amount that given after a formal adoption has occurred. Both an expense budget structure and a budget structure that tracks both spending and revenue are updated by this event type.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B002: Expenditure Budget - Amendment
BG04: Carry Forward An Expense Budget - This event type is commonly used when budget availability is moved out of a prior year and into a subsequent year. The increase in that subsequent year is to the Carry Forward budget amount. Both an expense budget structure and a budget structure that tracks both spending and revenue are updated by this event type.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B003: Expenditure Budget - Carry Forward
BG05: Revert An Expense Budget - This event type is commonly used when budget availability is moved out of a prior year and into a subsequent year. The decrease in the prior year is accomplished through an increase to the Reversions budget amount. Both an expense budget structure and a budget structure that tracks both spending and revenue are updated by this event type.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B008: Expenditure Budget - Reversion
BG06: Transfer In An Expense Budget - This event type is commonly used to increase budget availability on one budget line by updating the Transfer In budget amount where that increase was made possible by a Transfer Out from another budget line. Both an expense budget structure and a budget structure that tracks both spending and revenue are updated by this event type.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B004: Expenditure Budget - Transfer In
BG07: Transfer Out An Expense Budget - This event type is commonly used to decrease budget availability on one budget line by updating the Transfer Out budget amount in order to increase another budget line in the Transfer In budget amount. Both an expense budget structure and a budget structure that tracks both spending and revenue are updated by this event type.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B005: Expenditure Budget - Transfer Out
BG08: Deactivate Budget Line - This event type is used to mark a budget line as inactive to stop future accounting activity and to stop further budget activity except BG09: Activate Budget Line. This event type is used to update all budget structures. The posting code does not have any impact on the update.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B017: Stand In Code for Budgeting
BG09: Activate Budget Line - This event type is used to mark a budget line as active after it has been deactivated by BG08. This event type is used to update all budget structures. The posting code does not have any impact on the update.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B017: Stand In Code for Budgeting
BG10: Delete Budget Line - This event type is used to delete a budget line from a budget inquiry page. Deletion is only allowed if all amounts directly updated (not calculated amounts) by accounting or budget transactions are equal to zero. This event type is used to update all budget structures. The posting code does not have any impact on the update.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B017: Stand In Code for Budgeting
BG11: Restrict and Defer Spending - This event type is one that supports an alternative to the budget amount of Budget Reserve that uses a reserve percentage. This alternative is only available on a limited number of expense budget structures (see the Budget Control User Guide) where the amount is updated directly with this event type. When increased, budget formula setup typically decreases what is available for spending.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B020: Expenditure Budget Reserve
BG12: Restrict and Defer Revenue - This event type is one that supports a ‘revenue’ Budget Reserve that is only available on a limited number of revenue budget structures (see the Budget Control User Guide). When increased, budget formula setup typically decreases the current revenue budget or the amount linked to support spending.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B022: Revenue Budget Reserve
BG13: Seed Restricted Revenue - This event type is one that supports Tolerance Adjustment amount that is only available on a limited number of revenue budget structures (see the Budget Control User Guide) that are linked to expense budgets to support spending. As the collection of revenues to fund spending can often lag behind the spending as a year starts, this amount is ‘seeded’ with an non-financial estimate of revenue to support initial spending. As actual revenue is collected, the Tolerance Adjustment amount is reduced or zeroed-out.
Although not recorded on a budget transaction, uses the Charge (CH) as delivered, the event type is included here because of the budget impact and lack of accounting impact in Accounts Receivable.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B023: Restricted Revenue Budget Seed
Cr B024: Restricted Revenue Budget Seed Offset
BG21: Estimate Expected Revenue - This event type is one of two that are established to update the Expected Revenue budget amount. When used, this budget amount can be the single estimation for revenue on a budget structure that tracks only revenue or both revenue and spending. However, the amount can be used in conjunction with the Adopted, Amendments, and other revenue budget amounts to provide a different estimate. Use of a single Expected Revenue amount is most often found in two budget situations: a very simple revenue budget where other budgetary amounts are not necessary, or on a cost accounting budget where a single estimate for revenue is needed for reporting purposes.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B006: Revenue Budget - Expected
BG22: Award Reimbursable Budget - This event type is used to update the Awarded budget amount on a budget structure that tracks spending and revenue for reimbursement purposes. That Awarded amount defines budget availability for budget lines on such a structure. The amount should correspond with setup on the Funding Profile, Funding Priority, and Funding Line pages.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B009: Reimbursable Budget - Award
BG23: Adopt A Revenue Budget - This event type is commonly used to create budget lines on a revenue budget structure. At a determined point in time, the event type is normally restricted from use because amounts in the Adopted budget amount have to tie to a legislative budget or other budget authority.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B010: Revenue Budget - Adoption
BG24: Allocate A Revenue Budget - This event type is commonly used when the budget reserve model that utilizes the Allocated amount to increase Current Budget instead of Adopted. Please refer to the Budget Reserve functionality discussed in the CGI Advantage Financial - Budgeting User Guide for more information on how to use this feature. Only budget structures that track just revenue are updated by this event type.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B011: Revenue Budget - Allocation
BG25: Amend A Revenue Budget - This event type is commonly used to adjust budget lines for new budget authority in the Amendments budget amount that given after a formal adoption has occurred. Only budget structures that track just revenue are updated by this event type.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B012: Revenue Budget - Amendment
BG26: Carry Forward A Revenue Budget - This event type is commonly used when budget availability is moved out of a prior year and into a subsequent year. The increase in that subsequent year is to the Carry Forward budget amount. Only budget structures that track just revenue are updated by this event type.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B013: Revenue Budget - Carry Forward
BG27: Revert A Revenue Budget - This event type is commonly used when budget availability is moved out of a prior year and into a subsequent year. The decrease in the prior year is accomplished through an increase to the Reversions budget amount. Only budget structures that track just revenue are updated by this event type.
The Budget Roll chain job in mode 3 and the Open Activity and Budget Roll chain job make use of this amount. Please see the CGI Advantage Financial - Budgeting Run Sheets guide for detailed information on the Budget Roll chain job and refer to the CGI Advantage Financial - General Accounting Run Sheets guide for detailed information on the Open Activity and Budget Roll chain job.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B014: Revenue Budget - Reversion
BG28: Transfer A Revenue Budget - This event type is commonly used to increase budget availability on one budget line by updating the Transfer In budget amount (often labeled Transfers online) where that increase was made possible by a Transfer Out from another budget line. Only budget structures that track just revenue are updated by this event type.
The option of a single 'transfer' event type for revenue budget structures is a popular choice made for many applications, but the option to track transfers in and out in two separate budget amounts is available. Using a single budget amount requires that there be an equal dollar amount in of decrease lines as increase lines. Using the two budget amount model requires that the sum of transfers out equal the sum of transfers in.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B016: Revenue Budget - Transfers
BG29: Transfer Out A Revenue Budget - This event type is commonly used to decrease budget availability on one budget line by updating the Transfer Out budget amount in order to increase another budget line in the Transfer In budget amount. Only budget structures that track just revenue are updated by this event type.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B015: Revenue Budget - Transfer Out
BG30: Appropriation Expected Revenue - This event type is the second of two that are established to update the Expected Revenue budget amount. This event type, because of its name, is common used with budget structures that track both revenue and spending. In prior applications, such budgets were referred to as Appropriation budgets. When used on such a budget, it is often the only revenue budgetary amount besides the Amended Appropriation Expected Revenue amount.
The amount is very similar to the Adopted amounts in that often only one update occurs to the budget amount with a value determined by a legislative body. Then at a pre-determined point in time, further activity to the budget amount is prohibited and any further updates have to occur to the Amended Expected Revenue amount.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B018: Expected Revenue
BG31: Amend Appropriation Expected Revenue - This event type is commonly used to adjust budget lines for new budget authority in the Amend Expected Revenue budget amount that given after a formal adoption has occurred. This event type, because of its name, is common used with budget structures that track both revenue and spending.
Posting Pair A:
Dr B019: Amend Expected Revenue