Posting Code

When the term 'account type' is used, it is a posting code or a collection of like posting codes that is most often referred. When COA codes are added to a posting code, a specific account is defined. For example, the collection of different posting codes for cash - Regular Cash (A001), Intercepted Cash (D202), and Investment Cash (I001) fall into the Posting Code Closing Classification of Cash Roll Forward (5).  A total amount of cash can be found by adding up all specific accounts in the #5 classification. The total amount of intercepted cash can be found by adding up all specific accounts with posting code D202. The total amount of intercepted cash in a particular fund code can be found by adding up all specific accounts with the fund code and posting code D202. Finally, the amount of intercepted cash for a fund code and balance sheet account can be found by selecting those specific COA.

The reporting benefits of posting codes go even further by allowing the recording of elements needed for cash basis, modified accrual, and full accrual reporting simultaneously. The construction of the reports should use different groups of posting codes or individual posting codes that are included or not included as needed to efficiently gather data instead of COA code listings or even rollups when possible. The reason is that establishing new posting codes are a rare event compared to new COA codes and even rollup codes. However, there are times when more detailed selection cannot be avoided.

Posting codes are an indication to the system that will contain instructions on how accounting and budgeting updates are to be done. These types of controls should not be changed in an application after a posting code has been used. To do so often requires a reconciliation batch job or a conversion process. Any changes to a record on Posting Code should be followed by a bounce of the application to ensure change takes effect. While some changes may not require a bounce, a bounce is the recommended practice.

Many posting codes are delivered in the application to be used with the delivered event types and to be used on certain journal vouchers without event types. New posting codes can be added, but should begin with the letter 'X' or be all numbers so that later releases of Financial do not provide a new baseline posting code with the same ID. Deleting posting codes is not recommended, but may be done so that codes are not used on journal vouchers. Changing settings on existing posting codes is also permitted, keeping in mind that once used, certain settings being changed will cause data integrity problems. Those fields are noted as such in the field by field description of the table later. However, before an application goes live or has any conversions of data into it, there is no problem changing any settings for a posting code. Keeping a record of these changes is a very good idea in case the baseline posting codes have to be restored.

Field Information