User Profile
The User Profile is accessed by clicking anywhere in the User Profile area in the Global Navigation bar. When the User Profile area is expanded, you can view a list of all roles assigned to you under My Roles. The current business role is displayed under the User Name. You can switch to a different role by selecting the role from the list. You can log out of Advantage by selecting the Sign Out link and you can modify personal user settings by selecting the Account Settings link, which transitions you to the Account Settings page.
Account Settings
The Account Settings page is divided into the following tabs:
Personal InformationPersonal Information
The Personal Information tab displays the user's name, email, and contact information. You must contact a site administrator to change any of this information.
Password ManagementPassword Management
The Password Management tab allows you to change your Advantage password. You must enter your current password in the Current Password field and then enter your new password in the New Password and Confirm Password fields. Select Save to save your new password. If the DISABLE_SELF_PASSWORD_RESET parameter on ERP Application Parameter (ERPCTRL) is set to true, then this tab is not available.
Security Question ManagementSecurity Question Management
The Security Question Management tab allows you to set up a security question and answer that will be used if you forget your Advantage password or you get locked out of Advantage. Select Save to save your changes to this tab.
The Preferences tab allows you to modify your usability preference settings. Select Save to save your changes to this tab. Any changes made to the flags in this section will take effect after you log out and log back in:
Enable Auto Tabbing – This flag allows you to specify your usability preference setting for tabbing. If the Enable Auto Tabbing check box is selected, then you can skip icons, such as the calendar icon and the pick list icon, while tabbing. Once you save the preference, it stays until you change it. This feature is applicable across all transactions and pages in Advantage.
Minimize Information Tabs – This behavior allows you to specify whether you want the information area for all tabs to be minimized or expanded. When minimized, only the first line of information is displayed (including the attachment count, if any). When you expand the tab information for a page, then the change will remain for that page until you log out. Similarly, when you collapse the tab information for a page, then the change will remain for that page until you log out.
Hide Toolbar and Pagination – If you choose to show the toolbar and pagination area of a read only grid for a page, then the change will remain for that grid until you log out. Similarly, if you choose to hide the toolbar and pagination area of a read only grid for a page, then the change will remain for that grid until you log out. This feature is not available for widgets or grids accessed via a Switcher.
Enable Field DB Help – If your site has enabled the Field DB Information feature by setting the ENABLE_FIELD_DB_HELP parameter on the ERP Application Parameters (ERPCTRL) page to true, then users have the option to enable or disable this feature via the Enable Field DB Help check box. If ENABLE_FIELD_DB_HELP is true and you have selected the Enable Field DB Help check box, then you will see a dotted underline on the caption of all fields in the application that support this feature. When you hover over the field title the system will display a pop-up containing the field’s database information. Refer to the “View Field Database Information” topic in the CGI Advantage System Administration Guide for more information and limitations.
Enable Recent Searches for Global Search – If your site has enabled the ENABLE_ADVANCED_GLOBAL_SEARCH parameter on the ERP Application parameter (ERPCTRL) page (that is, set to true), then users have the option to enable or disable the Recent Searches feature via the Enable Recent Searches for Global Search check box. The default value for the Recent Searches for Global Search check box is not checked (false). If a user selects the Recent Searches for Global Search check box, then the user will see the Recent Searches section in the Global Search results drop-down. The Recent Searches section displays the user’s 5 most recent searches.
Change Alert Notification SettingsChange Alert Notification Settings
The Change Alert Notification Settings tab allows you to change your Alert Email Notification setting, Alert SMS Notification setting, Phone Number, and your Email Address for receiving the notifications. The Alert Email Notification and Alert SMS Notification feature provides the ability for you to receive an email and SMS respectively, when an alert is sent in Advantage. Select Save to save your changes to this tab.
Business Roles Preferences Business Roles Preferences
The Business Roles Preferences tab allows you to select your primary Business Role. Out of the Business Roles assigned to you, select the drop-down value as Yes in the Primary field for the Business Role that you want to keep the default. Once selected, select Save to apply the changes. The next time you login to the application, the selected Business Role will load as the default. You also have the flexibility to display the other assigned Business Roles in the display order of your choice. Please provide a numeric and chronological display order per your need to the assigned Business Roles. This tab can be accessed at any given time to update your primary Business Role and display orders.
Dual Factor AuthenticationDual Factor Authentication
The Dual Factor Authentication tab allows you to select the default Authentication type based on options set up in the ADV30Param.ini file. The valid values are Email, Phone, and Google Authenticator.
If the sites supports app-based (Google) authentication, the Activate button will be visible. You can register your account with the Google Authenticator app by clicking on the Activate button and following the instructions on the screens. Once Google Authenticator is activated, the button will be renamed to Re-Activate, and Authentication type will be included as an option in the drop-down menu for authenticator types.
The Dual Factor Authentication tab will only be visible if the site has enabled Dual Factor Authentication in ADV30Param.ini.
Informational text messages can be optionally added on all tabs in the Account Settings page. Informational text can be used to explain a setting or provide additional context to users.
The text for each tab can be configured on the Configurable Text (CTEXT) page using the following CTEXT codes.
Personal Information (code: ACTINFO)
Password Management (code: ACTPWD)
Security Question Management (code: ACTSQM)
Preferences (code: ACTPREF)
Change Alert Notification Settings (code: ACTALRT)
Business Role Preferences (code: ACTBR)
Dual Factor Authentication (code: AUTHACTV)
Once updated, the system will automatically display the configurable text whenever the user navigates to the Account Settings page the next time.