Grantor Overview

Grantor is a functional area within Advantage Financial that is used to track grants where you are the grantor or you are a pass-through grantor. Grantees and Sub Grantees can be a variety of different entities: a non-profit agency, another municipality, another department, an individual, a business, and so forth.

Most competitive grants follow a life cycle as shown below: Announcement, Application, Award, Post-Award, and Close-Out. Grants that are not competitive typically begin at the third step, that is, with an Award.

  • For competitive grants, notification of the grant opportunity is distributed through an Announcement, and potential grantees must submit applications for review.

  • In the Award stage, the grantor identifies successful applicants or other grant recipients and awards funding.

  • The Post-Award stage includes payment processing, financial monitoring, and grantee reporting including recording grantee matches.

  • The Close-Out phase includes preparation of final reports, financial reconciliation, and the return of any unused funds.

Unlike many other functional areas that have setup pages specific to that area, the setup for Grantor functionality is done within the Procurement and General Accounting areas of the application. Please refer to the "Grantor Reference Data" topic for more information on these pages.