Create Grant Opportunity using GTOP
To create an identified Grant Opportunity and notify potential Grant Applicants about the opportunity using the Grant Opportunity (GTOP) transaction, perform these steps:
Create a Grant Opportunity (GTOP) transaction using the Transaction Catalog.
Complete the HeaderHeader tab.
The following fields are required, and if left blank are automatically populated by CGI Advantage Financial: Record Date, Fiscal Year, and Period.
The following fields are conditionally required based on site specific setup on the Transaction Control (DCTRL) table: Transaction Name and Transaction Description.
Complete the Grant OpportunityGrant Opportunity tab.
The following fields are required:
Grant Opportunity ID
Grant Program Name
Total Available Funding
Maximum Grant Award
Minimum Grant Award
Funding Agency
Grant Type
Funding Type
Funding Instrument Type
Resolution Required
Pre-application Required
Complete the Alert User GroupAlert User Group tab.
Insert a new line.
Enter or select a value in the Alert User Group ID field.
Click Load Alert User Group Template to load all Grant Users associated with the selected Alert User Group ID.
Note: This tab is not required to submit the GTOP transaction to Final.
Complete the Grant NotificationGrant Notification tab.
Expand the Grant Notification tab.
Verify that at least one Grant User record associated with the selected Alert User Group ID is loaded.
The system only notifies the Grant Users that have the Notify? field set to Yes in the grid. When a new Alert User Group Template is loaded, all Notify? fields are set to Yes for you. Set the Notify? field to No for any users that should not receive the notification.
Note: This tab is not required to submit the GTOP transaction to Final.
Click Validate to validate for errors.
If errors exist, fix the errors and repeat Step 6. If no errors exist, then continue with Step 8.
Click Submit to submit the transaction.