Ongoing Award Information

The Ongoing Award Information table records the details of the award (grant) and the grant recipient. This table is accessed by selecting the Ongoing Award Information tab on the ARRA Information table. Advantage security can be set up to secure the records on each table accessible from ARRA based on the Department and/or Unit specified in the Department and Unit fields under the Advantage Security tab on the Ongoing Award Information table.

Records on this table can be modified at any time. Records can only be deleted on this table if:

The following fields are required on this table:

Note: At least one ARRA Activity Code (and no more than 10) is required to submit a quarterly ARRA Reporting extract file to This edit is enforced by the ARRA Extract batch process.

You can transition to the Grant Award Status Folder from this table. If the Grant ID field is populated before you click the Grant Award Status Folder link, then you are taken to a pick page showing Grant Award information, filtered by Grant ID.

Select the Attachment link to associate an attachment with the selected record.