Partnering Organizations

The Partnering Organizations tab on the Grant Application Status Folder (GTAPSF) allows you to indicate all Partnering Organizations associated with the Grant Application. This tab tracks applications that are submitted with other community-based organizations or when any collaboration needs to take place between two or more entities. Please refer to the "Grant Application" topic to learn more about this functionality.

Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields

A record does not have to be added to this section to successfully save a Grant Application record. However, the following fields are required, if a record is added to this tab:

  • Partner Name

  • Contact Name

  • Email

  • Phone

If you indicate a value in the Date Definition Template ID field, then you must select the Load Date Definition Template row-level action to load the dates to the Partnering Dates tab.

The Partnering Organizations tab contains the following actions/links:

Tab-level actions/linksTab-level actions/links