Sub-Recipient Quarterly Award Information
The Sub-Recipient Quarterly Award Information table captures quarterly data for ARRA reporting for any first-tier sub-contract or sub-award, funded in whole or in part under the Recovery Act (that is over $25,000 and not subject to aggregate reporting). This table is accessed by selecting the Sub-Recipient Quarterly Award Information tab on the ARRA Information table. Advantage security can be set up to secure the records on each table accessible from ARRA based on the Department and/or Unit specified in the Department and Unit fields under the Advantage Security tab on the Ongoing Award Information table.
Data entry on the Sub-Recipient Quarterly Award Information table can be performed in various ways:
Direct entry on the table, all at once, or over time.
Upload to the table via an SMU Import.
Entry of an ARRA Information (ARRAD) transaction.
Records on the Sub-Recipient Quarterly Award Information table are expected to be entered each quarter. Before entry can occur on this table, the Ongoing Award Information table must be set up to include a record for the Funding Agency, Award Number and Awarding Agency. When inserting a new record on the Sub-Recipient Quarterly Award Information table, the Funding Agency, Award Number, and Awarding Agency fields are automatically populated, based on the record that was selected on the Ongoing Award Information table before navigating to this table. The Sub-Recipient DUNS Number, Sub-Award Number, Reporting Calendar Year, and Reporting Quarter End Date must also be populated before saving a record on this table.
The Days Allowed to verify quarterly reports (DAYS_TO_VERIFY_ARRA_DATA) parameter on the Application Parameters (APPCTRL) table controls the period in which quarterly ARRA reporting records may be modified. The initial value for this field as established by Federal Rules is 21. Per Federal Rules, quarterly entry may only be modified for 21 days after the end of the quarter ending date. After 21 days, no further changes to the records are allowed and updates should be made in the next quarter.
Records can only be deleted on this table if:
There are no children records (that is, no record exists on the Sub-Recipient Vendor Quarterly Award Information table for the Funding Agency, Award Number, Awarding Agency, Sub-Award Number, Sub-Recipient DUNS Number, Reporting Calendar Year and Reporting Quarter End Date combination), AND
The record has not been selected for an extract file. Once the record has been extracted (that is, the Last Reporting Extract Date is populated), it cannot be deleted.
Select the Attachment link to associate an attachment with the selected record.