Batch Jobs

The batch jobs for Intercept are listed alphabetically in the below table and the last column indicates the location in the Batch Catalog. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage Intercept Run Sheets guide.

Job Name


Batch Catalog Section

Export INTR records to Intercept Externally

The process creates a debt file (XML), which is to be sent to external entities to be intercepted. This debt file (XML) will be created from the records maintained in the intercept request table.


Fed Vendor Collection Acknowledgement File Load

This process loads the State Agency Disbursing Office (SADO) Vendor Collection Acknowledgement Files received from the U.S. Treasury Department's Financial Management Service (FMS) into the Federal Vendor Intercept Header (FEDHDR), Federal Vendor Intercept Match (FEDMTCH), and Federal Vendor Intercept Activity (FEDACTV) tables.


Fed Vendor Intercept Archive

This process archives (purges) records from the Federal Vendor Intercept tables. There are four tables that can be archived by this process:

  • Federal Vendor Intercept Header

  • Federal Vendor Intercept Extract

  • Federal Vendor Intercept Match

  • Federal Vendor Intercept Activity


Fed Vendor Reversal Acknowledgement File Load

This process updates the reversal acknowledgement code and amount reversed by the U.S. Treasury Department's Financial Management Service (FMS) on the Federal Vendor Intercept Activity (FEDACTV) table for associated transactions received from FMS on the State Agency Disbursing Office (SADO) Vendor Reversal Acknowledgement File.


Fed Vendor Reversal File Generation

This process identifies offset reversal requests on the Federal Vendor Intercept Activity (FEDACTV) table and, if applicable, creates a State Agency Disbursing Office (SADO) Vendor Reversal file to the U.S. Treasury Department's Financial Management Service (FMS) for selected records.


Hold Payments for Pending Debts

This process selects Intercept Request (INTR) records that have the Status set to In Review and places pending payment requests with the corresponding TIN and TIN Type combination on intercept hold. The pending payment requests are placed on hold with the Hold Reason retrieved from the Disbursement Hold Reason (HLDR) page, with the Intercept Hold flag selected.


Intercept Activity Export

The purpose of this batch job is to export the required records from the Intercept Activity (AP_INCT_ACTV) table. This job displays all records based on the selection criteria entered on the job parameters. An XML file is generated by this process and will be placed in the ExportImport folder on the Application server.
