Billing Profile

The Billing Profile (BPRO) page allows you to establish information necessary for billing and collections. Information such as billing types, billing instructions, collection parameters, account receivable options and special accounts options is entered on this page. When override is allowed, the account receivable options and special accounts options take precedence over the system-wide options set up on the System Options (SOPT) page. For more information about BPRO, refer to the "Billing Profile (BPRO)" topic in the CGI Advantage Accounts Receivable User Guide.

The following field on BPRO impacts Intercept functionality:



Use Default Intercept Remittance

Selection of this flag indicates that the Default Billing Profile specified on the Intercept Options (IOPT) table (plus the AR Department and Unit from the referenced Receivable) should be used to infer the remittance contact information when an internal debt record is saved to the Intercept Request table.