
The following table lists the Inquiries for Intercept in Advantage (listed alphabetically by Inquiry Name).

Inquiry Name

Page Code


Federal Offset Activity


This page stores and displays the offset information and payment details for debts that have been submitted to the Bureau of Fiscal Service (BFS).

Federal Offset Request


This page stores and displays debt information based upon the Federal Offset Debt Number after the consolidation is done for the records on the Intercept Request table to be sent to the Bureau of Fiscal Service (BFS) at the debt record level.

Federal Offset Request History


This page displays all of the historic versions of the debt records that appear on the Federal Offset Request page.

Federal Offset Summary


The Federal Offset Summary (FOTS) page stores and displays the summary offset and reversal information received from the Bureau of Fiscal Service (BFS), as well as the Cash Receipt transaction created to deposit the EFT transfer from BFS. The FOTS table is updated by the Federal Collection File Batch Process.

Federal Vendor Intercept Activity


This page stores the offset information of federal debts intercepted by Check Writer (CW) and Automated Disbursement (AD) payments and tracks the status of reversal requests and acknowledgements.

Federal Vendor Intercept Extract


This page stores selected taxpayers’ information with scheduled Check Writer (CW) or Automated Disbursement (AD) payments to be sent to the U.S. Treasury Department's Bureau of Fiscal Service (BFS) for debt matching.

Federal Vendor Intercept Header


This page tracks the status of the State Agency Disbursing Office (SADO) payment interface files generated by Advantage Financial and received from the U.S. Treasury Department's Bureau of Fiscal Service (BFS) for both the Check Writer (CW) and Automated Disbursement (AD) payments.

Federal Vendor Intercept Match


This page stores the debt information received from the U.S. Treasury Department's Bureau of Fiscal Service (BFS) on the Non-Offset State Agency Disbursing Office (SADO) Vendor Match File for taxpayers with scheduled Check Writer (CW) or Automated Disbursement (AD) payments. The gross amount collected (that is, gross intercept amount) and vendor address information is also captured, when applicable, for intercepted federal debts. Collection acknowledgement information is received from FMS on the SADO Vendor Collection Acknowledgement File and is stored on FEDMTCH as well.

Intercept Activity


This page serves as the data source for intercept activity reporting including intercept activity associated with a payment provided in a particular Check Writer file, and allows you to view transaction detail information on payment offset activity for each individual claim.  

Intercept Activity Query


This page provides an alternate view of the Intercept Activity (INTA) table.

Notice of Intent Print History


This page allows you to view the history of the intercept notifications for external and internal debts on the Intercept Request (INTR) table. It is updated by the Intercept Notice batch process.