
The Accounting tab contains many common Accounting fields as described in the Accounting topic in the Transactions User Guide. In addition to those fields, the following unique fields are displayed in alphabetical order:

Field Name


Employee Benefits Multiplier Type

When labor is recorded there can be the added costs of benefits associated with that labor. An Internal Cost Rate can have from 0 to 5 different benefits multipliers. This field controls which of those will apply: Blank (none), Benefits Multiplier 1, Benefits Multiplier 2, Apply All Multipliers.

Employee Class

This classification is required when the Usage Type is Labor or Mileage in order to locate an Internal Costing Rate record along with the Usage Class Department and Fiscal Year. The field defaults from a pre-defined Employee ID when entered.

Employee ID

Full Name

First Name

Middle Name

Last Name

Name Suffix

The identification of an employee is required if the Usage Type is Labor or Mileage Usage Group and optional otherwise. Internal Costing configuration can require the ID be defined on the Employee Information reference page or allow the entry of an ID not defined on that reference page. When defined on the Employee Information reference page, the Usage From and To dates must fall within the Effective Start and End dates of the employee record.

Name information will infer if the employee is setup, else it is required in addition to the Employee ID.

Equipment Class

This classification is required when the Usage Type is Equipment in order to locate an Internal Costing Rate record along with the Rate Category, Usage Class Department and Fiscal Year. The field defaults from a pre-defined Equipment ID when entered.

Equipment ID

Equipment Description

The piece of equipment must be identified if the Usage Group is Equipment (ID Required). If the Usage Group is Equipment (ID Optional) then the identification is optional. As part of the validation against the Equipment ID reference page, Effective Start and End Dates of the equipment record should encompass the Usage From and Usage To dates.

Materials Testing Class

This classification is required when the Usage Type is Materials Testing in order to locate an Internal Costing Rate record along with the Materials Testing Department and Fiscal Year. The field defaults from a pre-defined Materials Testing Program when entered.

Materials Testing Department

As materials testing has a separate department (seller) used to identify the Materials Testing Program from the Equipment / Employee Home Department on the header.

Materials Testing Program

When material testing is done, this Materials Testing Program defines where that testing was done.

Overtime Labor Units

When recording labor usage, the amount of overtime units is also require, and zero is permitted when there is no overtime.

Overtime Multiplier Code

When there is overtime recorded, there must be a rate for that overtime, which is defined on the Internal Costing Overtime Multipliers reference page.

Rate Category

A classification of the type of rate with values of Fixed and Variable. Only with equipment can a fixed rate be defined. Labor, equipment, and materials testing all support the variable rate.

Regular Labor / Usage Units

A field to capture the ‘amount’ of usage (mileage, materials testing usage, an employee's labor units, or equipment usage units. The value entered in this field cannot be zero. This field is later used to calculate the cost during the Internal Cost job.

Timesheet Reference Information (TIMEI)

When information from Advantage Human Resource Management is used to create Internal Costing Transactions, this set of fields ties the two together.

Unit of Measure

The measurement method for the usage as defined on the Unit of Measure reference page that is shared by the Procurement function and others.

Usage Class

The inferred value from the Materials Testing Class, Employee Class, or Equipment Class that connects to the Internal Costing Rate information.

Usage Class Department

At the accounting line this department field is protected and inferred from the Equipment / Employee Home Department from the header. The value is used by the Internal Costing system process to look up Internal Costing Rates.

Usage From

Usage To

The required start and end dates of the usage, which may default to the current Application Date given Internal Costing configuration.

Usage Group


The inferred value from the Usage Type selected, which is used to control data entry rules. In most cases fields unrelated to a Usage Type are prohibited.

Usage Group Labor

  • Required: Employee ID, Employee Class, First Name, Last Name, Full Name, Rate Category, Regular Labor/Usage Units.

  • Optional: Middle Name (optional), Overtime Labor Units (optional)

  • Conditionally Required, Overtime Multiplier Code

Usage Group Mileage

  • Required: Employee ID, Employee Class, Rate Category, First Name, Last Name, Full Name

  • Optional: Middle Name (optional)

Usage Group Equipment (ID Required)

  • Required: Equipment ID, Equipment Class, Equipment Description, Rate Category

Usage Group Materials Testing

  • Required:  Materials Testing Class, Rate Category

  • Conditionally Required: Materials Testing Department, Materials Testing Program

Usage Group Equipment (ID Optional)

  • Required:, Equipment Class, Equipment, Description, Rate Category

  • Optional: Equipment ID

Usage Group Interfaced Payroll

  • Required: Employee ID, Employee Class, First Name, Last Name, Full Name, Variation Code, Flag 1, Part-Time/Full-Time, Pay Period Pay Period Year

  • Optional: Line Amount

Usage Group Interfaced Equipment

  • Required: Equipment Class, Equipment Description, and Equipment/Employee Home Department on Header

Note: the Equipment Description requirement has a separate error code so that the requirement for Equipment Description can be turned off when the Equipment ID is not coded.

Usage Type

The required indication of what type of usage is being recorded, which connects to a Usage Group.

Overhead Indicator

This field indicates whether Overhead Costing will be done at the Task Order or Task Level. This field and the next six are delivered as hidden and must be made visible with Configure page in order to use the Internal Overhead process.

Variation Code

This field indicates the type of time/usage entered in timesheets such as regular time, overtime, vacation time, etc.

Flag 1

This field indicates if a worker’s hiring (hall) status is excluded from the CAP Rate application, If set to Yes, it will be NOT be included in the CAP Rate application.


This field indicates the Part-Time or Full-Time designation of the worker.

Pay Period

A field to capture the Pay Period for which time/usage has been reported.

Pay Period Year

A field to capture the Pay Year for which time/usage has been reported.

Line Amount

A  field to capture the line amount of usage (Labor, Interfaced Labor, Retroactive, Adjustment, Interfaced Mileage/Other and Interfaced Equip/Mat). It cannot be a negative amount.