
The Header tab contains many common Header fields as described in the Header topic in the Transactions User Guide. In addition to those fields, the following unique fields are displayed:

Field Name


Equipment/Employee Home Department

The required identification of a department that will be used to edit the Equipment and Employee ID values entered on accounting lines. This field may default or have to be entered based on system configurations.

Total Labor Units

The calculated sum of accounting lines for fields of Total of Regular Labor/Usage Units and Overtime Labor Units.

Total Equipment Units

The calculated sum of accounting lines for the field of Total of Regular Labor/Usage Units.

Total Materials Testing Units

The calculated sum of accounting lines for the field of Total of Regular Labor/Usage Units.

Total Mileage

The calculated sum of accounting lines for the field Total of Regular Labor/Usage Units.

Check Total Labor Units

Check Total Equipment Units

Check Total Materials Testing Units

Check Total Mileage

To assist with data entry, a check total field exists for each of the four major Usage Types. The transaction will compare what is calculated for each across the accounting lines and the associated check total to issue an error if the two do not match. These check totals are optional unless setup on the Transaction Control reference page has them required.