Inventory by Location

A stock item may be stored in one or more locations within a warehouse. The Inventory by Location (ILOC) page records the quantity stored for each location for a given stock item. This page also allows you to assign a Priority to each of the locations that have the stock item. Quantity from the default location followed by the location with the highest priority (1 being the highest and 99 being the lowest) is used first throughout the inventory system. If the Track Quantity By Location flag is not checked on the Inventory Maintenance (INVN) record, then only the location with the highest priority is used and the Quantity of all other listed locations should be zero. If quantities exist at the other locations, then those amounts should be added to the On Hand Qty for the primary location. If the value of the Track Quantity By Location flag is changed, then you must create an Inventory Adjustment (IA) transaction to modify the On Hand Qty fields accordingly. The Inactive flag on this page allows you to determine if a location is active or inactive. By default, this flag is not checked (not selected). This flag can only be checked (selected) if the On Hand quantity is zero. If the On Hand quantity is greater than zero and you attempt to check this flag, an error is issued.

The On Hand field provides the on hand quantity for each storage location associated with a specific Warehouse, Stock Item, and Stock Item Suffix combination. (Note: The On Hand quantity on INVNQ equals the sum of all Storage Location On Hand quantities from the Inventory Location (ILOC) table for a given Warehouse, Stock Item, and Stock Item Suffix combination.) Along with On Hand quantity, ILOC also tracks various other quantities such as Reserved, Released, In Transfer and Available.

Records can be added directly using ILOC, or they can be automatically inserted and updated through the creation or modification of Inventory Maintenance (INVN) records or inventory transactions. You cannot manually select the Default Location flag. Only those records created by the system when Inventory Maintenance (INVN) records are created or modified can be set as default records. Inventory Locations marked as Default Locations cannot be deleted. The Inventory Maintenance (INVN) record using the Inventory Location as the Default Location must be reassigned to another Default Location before the selected Inventory Location record can be deleted.

The ILOC page provides a Print Labels action, which allows a user to print labels with barcodes for a chosen warehouse. The barcode labels contain information regarding stock item number, stock item description, stock item barcode, inventory location number, inventory location barcode, and unit of measure/issue unit.  In the Print Labels window, a user has option to print labels on either the INV_ILOC_INIT or INV_ILOC_POST form. If INV_ILOC_INIT is selected (the form used for initial mass printing of labels for all locations), the barcode labels are printed from the first position with three columns per page.  If INV_ILOC_POST is selected (the form normally used thereafter), the barcode labels are printed from the selected Print From position with two columns per page. To support the ability to specify the position to print from (in order to use the specialized paper efficiently), there is a Maximum Labels in INV_ILOC_POST Form (BAR_CODE_LBL_MAX_NO) parameter in the Application Parameters table that defines the maximum number of labels on this form.