Warehouse Table

The Warehouse (WHSE) table is one of the master tables used in the Inventory module. This table allows users to search, register, maintain, and group warehouses.

Users access the Warehouse Management page from Page Search. This page provides links to the Warehouse Group page and Inventory Inquiry page, thus providing one 'navigational page' from which you can access warehouse and stock item information. The purpose of this navigational page is to provide one area where the user can go to register and maintain information about the warehouse and the stock items contained within it.

The information on the Warehouse page is used throughout the system to validate against and get specific operation conditions for inventory processes. Searching is allowed on the following fields: Warehouse Code, Warehouse Description, Parent Warehouse Code, Parent Warehouse Description, and Warehouse Location.

Registering a Warehouse

Warehouse Group

The Warehouse Group is a separate page that is accessed by clicking on the Warehouse Group link on the Warehouse page.  When the Parent Warehouse field on the General Information tab of the Warehouse table is populated for a Child Warehouse, a Warehouse Group record is automatically created.  Likewise if the Parent Warehouse field is removed or modified, the corresponding Child record on the Warehouse Group page will be deleted/updated (deleted and re-added with the new relationship).  When a record is highlighted on the Warehouse Group page, the user can transition back to the Warehouse table by clicking on the Warehouse link, which will display the Parent Warehouse record.