Warehouse Table
The Warehouse (WHSE) table is one of the master tables used in the Inventory module. This table allows users to search, register, maintain, and group warehouses.
Users access the Warehouse Management page from Page Search. This page provides links to the Warehouse Group page and Inventory Inquiry page, thus providing one 'navigational page' from which you can access warehouse and stock item information. The purpose of this navigational page is to provide one area where the user can go to register and maintain information about the warehouse and the stock items contained within it.
The information on the Warehouse page is used throughout the system to validate against and get specific operation conditions for inventory processes. Searching is allowed on the following fields: Warehouse Code, Warehouse Description, Parent Warehouse Code, Parent Warehouse Description, and Warehouse Location.
Registering a WarehouseRegistering a Warehouse
Registering a warehouse requires, at a minimum, a unique Warehouse Code, Description, Location, Account codes, Event Types, and an Accounting Method (Consumption or Purchase Method).
In the case of a Child Warehouse, the Primary and Secondary Parent Warehouse Code field can also be entered. While this identifies a relationship between a child warehouse and its parent, an entry is also required on the Warehouse Group page to complete the Parent/Child relationship). Both the Location and Parent Warehouse fields provide a pick for the user, which allow you to choose valid values from the associated tables. For example, the Location pick allows the user to select a valid warehouse location from the Procurement Location page and only displays locations with a Location Type equal to Warehouse. The parent warehouse picks allow the user to select a valid warehouse from the Warehouse page.
The Inventory Replenishment process can also replenish stock for a Child Warehouse from the Primary or Secondary Parent Warehouse. This is controlled by the Parent Replenishment and Replenish By fields on the Warehouse table and a batch parameter.
The Parent Replenishment flag indicates if the Inventory Replenishment process should generate a Stock Request (SRQ) when replenishing a child warehouse.
The Replenish By field indicates when determining if an item needs replenished, if the Inventory Replenishment process should consider the On-Hand Quantity or the Available Quantity.
The Track Quantity By Location flag indicates whether a warehouse is expected to track inventory quantity at the location level (checked) or stock item level (not checked). If this flag is checked on WHSE, then it defaults to checked on INVN for any new stock items added to the selected Warehouse. If this flag is not checked on WHSE, then it defaults to not checked on INVN for any new stock items added to the selected Warehouse.
The Salvage Warehouse check box on the Warehouse table allows a warehouse to be marked as a Salvage warehouse. Transfers to the Salvage warehouses will not be counted as part of the Inventory Usage.
The Primary Contact Code, Primary Contact Name, Alternate Contact Code and Alternate Contact Name fields are optional fields used by the Expiration Notification job to send notifications for lot and/or shelf expirations. Lot and shelf expiration information can be viewed on the Inventory Detail (INVND) page.
If Maximo is being integrated, then the following fields must be set to indicate that inventory for this warehouse is being tracked in Maximo:
Source System – this field defaults to Advantage but needs to be set to Maximo for those warehouses that will have their inventory controlled by Maximo.
External Site – The External Site ID identifies the site associated with the external application being integrated with Advantage.
Is required if the Source System is set to Maximo.
Must be blank if the Source System is Advantage.
The following controls are unique to the operation of each warehouse. These functions include:
Fields that are used to determine the minimum length of time the client wishes to retain inventory transactions (Stock Requisition, Over-the-Counter, Transfer, and Inventory Adjustment) on the Transaction Catalog after they are closed.
The number of purchase orders used to calculate lead times for inventory replenishment.
A check box to determine if transfer issues should be included in forecasting formulas for inventory replenishment.
Additional fields in this tab allow the warehouse management to determine if Backorders are accepted, or if they wish to charge for returned items and how to apply those charges, percentage or fixed amount.
You can also specify the transaction that will be used to process Stock Issue Confirmation transactions, as well as where Pick Tickets will be printed.
The ‘Warehouse Distribution Capability’ check box determines whether stock items from this warehouse are searchable and included in the result set on the Shopper (SHOP) page. Only warehouses with these Warehouse Distribution Capability check box selected are searchable on the SHOP page. If not selected, the associated inventory items for that warehouse will not be included.
The Infer Object on Adjustment Transaction field determines whether the object and sub-object fields on the Inventory Adjustment transactions will be inferred from the Adjustment Code (ADJC) or the Warehouse (WHSE) pages.
Fields are provided to specify the default event type to be used on a Requisition, Purchase Order, or Payment Request transaction. Likewise, the default event type can also be established for Stock Request transactions created from the Inventory Replenishment process; all others will come from the Transaction Control (DCTRL) table. When a warehouse is selected on one of the previously mentioned transactions, it is inferred from the Warehouse table. Unlike the Requisition and Purchase Order transaction types, there are two fields for the Payment Request transaction type. The Payment Request Transactions field is used on all accounting lines where the Reference Type is Partial or Final to request payment for goods received. The Credit Memo field is used when there was a credit of goods from the vendor in the form of a negative Receiver and Invoice so that the referenced Purchase Order is being re-opened for the credited quantity. The commodity lines in this scenario will have a Reference Type of Inverse to effect that update. A different event type is required for the Credit Memo field because of system configuration that requires an Inverse reference for those Payment Request event types that need to reopen the referenced Purchase Order. The Payment Request Transactions event type prohibits an Inverse reference.
Chart of Account fields allows you to record the seller’s (warehouse’s) information that is inferred on various inventory transactions. The following COA elements are required when saving a warehouse entry: Fund, Default Object, Revenue, Department, Unit, and Default Balance Sheet Account (BSA). Additional accounting fields are provided and used within Advantage when establishing budgets.
Warehouse Group
The Warehouse Group is a separate page that is accessed by clicking on the Warehouse Group link on the Warehouse page. When the Parent Warehouse field on the General Information tab of the Warehouse table is populated for a Child Warehouse, a Warehouse Group record is automatically created. Likewise if the Parent Warehouse field is removed or modified, the corresponding Child record on the Warehouse Group page will be deleted/updated (deleted and re-added with the new relationship). When a record is highlighted on the Warehouse Group page, the user can transition back to the Warehouse table by clicking on the Warehouse link, which will display the Parent Warehouse record.