Inventory Detail
The Inventory Detail (INVND) page allows you to record and track detailed information for each stock item. Records can only be added to this page when transactions that belong to the RC, IA and TR Transaction Types are submitted to Final. The Commodity Detail tab on the transactions updates INVND, and that tab can only be populated if the Detail Information Required flag is selected on the Inventory Maintenance (INVN) page for the selected stock item/warehouse combination. Some of the fields on INVND records can be modified directly on the INVND page; other fields can only be updated by submitting transactions that belong to the RC (RC Sub Type), CI, OC, SN, IA (IA and IIA Sub Types), TI, and TR Transaction Types.
You can access the INVND page from Page Search or from the INVN page. If you access INVND from Page Search, then you must enter search criteria to locate the desired INVND record. If you access INVND by selecting the Inventory Detail link on INVN, then the records are automatically filtered based on the Warehouse and Stock Item selected on INVN.
The INVND page contains the following links:
Inventory Maintenance – This link transitions you to the INVN page and is filtered by the selected Warehouse/Stock Item combination.
Inventory Inquiry – This link transitions you to the INVNQ page and is filtered by the selected Warehouse/Stock Item combination.
Warehouse Maintenance – This link transitions you to the WHSE page and is filtered by the selected Warehouse.
Inventory Fixed Assets – This link transitions you to the INVFA page and is filtered by the selected Warehouse, Stock Item and Stock Item Suffix combination.