Answer Vendor Question

The Answer Vendor Question page allows buyers to answer vendor questions that were posted in Vendor Self Service. This page is filtered based on the solicitation line selected in the grid on the Solicitation Questions & Answers (SOQA) page. This page can only be accessed from the SOQA page or from the Record Offline Question/Answer page. A buyer can navigate through the vendor's questions listed in the grid on this page and then type their answer in the Answer text box. The vendor fields on this page indicate the vendor who submitted the solicitation question and the contact fields indicate who will receive the confirmation email notifications. The Save link is used to save the buyer's answer. The answers are posted to Vendor Self Service during synchronization. When a Buyer responds to a question, and an email address is included, an email notification is generated to the vendor who asked the question alerting them that a response has been entered. You can return to the Solicitation Questions & Answers page by clicking on the Solicitation Questions & Answers link.