Record Offline Question/Answer

The Record Offline Question/Answer page allows buyers to enter a vendor's question that was received offline (for example, by fax or paper), and then answer the question on the same page. The buyer must first select the solicitation line on the grid on the Solicitation Questions & Answers (SOQA) page before selecting the Record Offline Question/Answer link, which transitions you to this page. To indicate the specific vendor (or vendor user) who submitted the solicitation question, you can optionally enter that information for the vendor when entering the question and answer information. If an email is provided as part of the vendor information, the relevant Solicitation Question and Answer confirmation notifications will be generated for the vendor. This page can only be accessed via the SOQA page. The question and answer entered on this page will be posted to the solicitation that is selected. The question and answer is posted to Vendor Self Service during synchronization. When a Buyer is only entering a question on the behalf of a vendor, and includes an email, then a confirmation email will be sent to the vendor’s email that the question has been received. When a Buyer responds to an existing question, and the question included the vendor’s email information, an email notification is generated to the vendor who asked the question alerting them that a response has been entered. You can return to the Solicitation Questions & Answers page by clicking on the Solicitation Questions & Answers link. If you want to answers questions that were submitted via VSS for the selected Solicitation, then click the Answer Vendor Question link to transition to the Answer Vendor Question page.