Claims Tracking
The Claims Tracking (CLMTRK) page is used to file and track claims for damaged or lost goods during shipment and serves as the central repository for claims. The page can be accessed via Global Search or it can be accessed using the Claims Tracking Related Page action on the Procurement Management page. The results grid displays all claim records in descending order by Claim Date with the most recent claims displayed first in the list. You can narrow the list of records displayed by entering criteria into the search fields.
Multiple claims can be entered against a Procurement Folder; therefore the system automatically generates a unique Claims Tracking Number for each record on the page. There may be a claim filed against the carrier for lost items and a second claim filed against the vendor for damaged items referencing the same Receiver/Award Transaction Information combination. Each claim record has its own unique Claim Tracking Number but may have the same Contact Information, Claim Description, Claim Date, Claim Resolution, Claim Disposition, and so forth.
When accessed from Procurement Management, the Claim Tracking page is pre-filtered to only display claims records associated with the selected Procurement Folder, including Historical Procurement Folders. If no claims have been filed for this procurement, a blank page is displayed. Newly inserted records are pre-populated with the Procurement Folder, Procurement Title, Buyer/Buyer Team, and Historical Procurement Folder values for the associated Procurement Folder on Procurement Management.
When accessed from Page search, all claims records related to non-historical procurement folders are displayed on the Claim Tracking page. On newly inserted records, the Procurement Folder is inferred from the entered award transaction information (Award Transaction Code + Award Transaction Dept + Award Transaction ID) and the Procurement Title, Buyer/Buyer Team and Historical Procurement Folder values are inferred from the associated Procurement Folder.
In addition to the above required fields, the Status, Disposition, Claim Description and Claim Date are required fields. When new records are inserted, the Status field defaults to Active and the Disposition fields defaults to Vendor/Carrier Contacted. You can change the values of the Status and Disposition fields, if needed. You can then complete additional optional information fields regarding the claim (for example, Contact Date, Contact Name, Contact Company, Contact Telephone, Contact Email, Contact Fax, Claim Description, Claim Resolution and/or Additional Information). Note: The Claim Resolution field is required if the Status is Closed. The contact information is either related to the vendor or the carrier. All subsequent documentation to and from the vendor/carrier is recorded on this page. Correspondence may be scanned and attached to the record using the Attachments link.
Records on this page may be copied and pasted to start a new record. If a new record is inserted using the Copy/Paste action, the new record will have the same Status and Disposition value as the original record. Therefore, you must modify the fields to the correct value, if needed. Attachments from the source record are not copied to the newly created record.
Records can also be added to this page by the Receiver (RC) transactions. If the Rejected Quantity on the RC transaction has a value greater than zero, the Return Items to Vendor check box is selected, and the Line Type is Item when the RC transaction is submitted, a corresponding record is created on the Claims Tracking (CLMTRK) page (if one does not already exist as indicated by a blank Claims Tracking Number). The Return Items to Vendor flag must be checked in order for a record to be created on the CLMTRK page, even if the Rejected Quantity is populated.
The Claims Tracking Status History tab is updated when a record is inserted and saved and it also inserts an entry when the Status or Disposition fields are changed, providing a complete audit trail of the Status and Disposition changes for the claim. Each time the Status and Disposition fields are changed, a new entry is added to this tab with the most current entry at the top.
If the Procurement Security (PROC_SECURITY) parameter on the Application Parameters page is true then only the following users may update the Claims Tracking record: the related Procurement Folder’s Buyer, member of Buyer Team, Manager or Member of Management Team, or any user that is identified as a Procurement Administrator on the Procurement User page. If the PROC_SECURITY parameter on Application Parameters is false, then a Manager can make the changes or if no buyer is assigned then anyone can make changes.
The Procurement Management link transitions you to the Procurement Management page filtered by the selected Procurement Folder on the CLMTRK page.