Procurement Management
The Procurement Management page allows the user to search for a Procurement Folder and is the central location for both Buyers and Managers to work with the Procurement Folders. Once you select the procurement folder you will see the following tabs.
General Information – displays information about the Procurement Folder such as the Folder Buyer/Manager Assignment, Procurement Title, Procurement Type information, Procurement Total (current amount) and Original Procurement Amount, Number of States, Complexity, Last Completed State, Last Activity Date, Status, and Dollar Range along with Total Deadline Extended By Days, Estimated Completion Date and so forth. It also displays the inferred Manager, Manager Team, Buyer and Team information. The Department field on this tab displays the Transaction Department of the first transaction that created the Procurement Folder on the Procurement Management page.
Available States – the default Available State is All States when users transition and open the Procurement Management page. You will automatically see the information on the Milestones, Transactions, and Notes for all the procurement states under the procurement type selected. Selecting a specific state changes the view to show transactions, milestones and notes specific to the selected Procurement Folder for that particular State. The available states grid displays the State Complete, State Amount, and Issuing Office. The Procurement Created field displays the date the state was created. The State Amount and Procurement Created columns display values for Requisition and Award views only.
Milestones – This tab allows a buyer to check off completed milestones or to view future milestones within a particular Available State view. The Milestones displayed are determined by the Procurement Type. An Available State is deemed completed when all required milestones have been completed and all transactions within the State are Final. The Milestones do not have to be completed in order, that is, milestones in a future State can be completed before all of the Milestones in a previous state have been completed.
Transactions – This tab shows all of the transactions that have been created in the Procurement Folder for the specified Available State. The user can access and review details of the transactions by clicking the transaction information hyperlink.
Notes - The Notes tab displays the notes associated with the Procurement Folder allowing you to enter information specific to this state of the procurement. The Notes tab is similar to a diary of information about what happened in the available States for the procurement. In order to make it easier to find a particular record of interest within the Notes tab, a portion of the Comments entered for each record are displayed in the grid.
Related Transactions – The Related Transactions tab displays all General Routing (GR) Transaction Type transactions that reference the selected Procurement Folder. The GR transactions are not associated with any of the Procurement States. You can click on a GR transaction hyperlink in the grid to open the associated transaction.
Each view has been created for each State within the Procurement Folder Process. The following links provide additional information about each of the Procurement States:
The following page-level actions are available to filter the procurement records:
All Procurements - This view displays all of the Procurement Folders available within the system.
Assigned To Me - This view displays the Procurement Folders whose assigned Buyer is equal to the User ID of the person performing the search.
Assigned To My Team - This view displays the Procurement Folders whose assigned Buyer Team contains the User ID of the person performing the search.
Procurements I Manage- This view displays the Procurement Folders whose assigned Manager is equal to the User ID of the person performing the search.
Procurements My Team Manages - This view displays the Procurement Folders whose assigned Manager Team contains the User ID of the person performing the search.
Search FunctionalitySearch Functionality
The search functionality allows you to search by the text available in the boxes displayed but also has other functions that differ from the normal search functions.
You have the option to filter out any Discarded records from view so that only those non-discarded records are displayed. Conversely, you can also display only those records that are marked as discarded. The Discarded field has three possible selections:
Blank - By default, the field appears blank. If you leave the field blank then all of the Procurement Folder records are included in the search results.
Yes - If you select Yes, then only those records marked as Discarded (that is, Discarded Indicator = True / Checked) are displayed in the search results.
No – If you select No, then all Procurement Folders that are marked as Discarded (that is, Discarded Indicator = True / Checked) will be filtered out of the search results. If transactions have been Discarded or Cancelled, the folder, Milestones, Transactions and Notes tab(s) are displayed.
If a Draft transaction within a folder is Discarded, the transaction is not displayed within the Transactions tab on Procurement Management.
If the first transaction that is a Draft within a folder is Discarded, the folder is displayed on the Procurement Management table as well as the Milestones, Transactions and Notes tab(s); however, the Transaction tab would be blank.
If a transaction within a folder is Cancelled, the transaction with Function of Cancellation and Phase of Final is displayed within the Transactions tab.
The Estimated Completion date is also available in the search function by using the calendar pick list provided or by entering a date manually; you will be able to search for records having an Estimated Completion date equal to the date entered. You also have the option of using the following symbols in front of the date entered to broaden the search: Greater Than (>), Less Than (<), Greater Than or Equal To (>=), and Less Than or Equal To (<=). Additionally, you can enter two dates with a colon (:) between them in order to select all records from the table that have an Estimated Completion date that falls between the two dates entered.
The Closed Date search function can be used by using the calendar pick list or by entering a date manually; you can search for records having a Closed Date equal to the date entered. You also have the option of using the following symbols in front of the date entered to broaden the search: Greater Than (>), Less Than (<), Greater Than or Equal To (>=), and Less Than or Equal To (<=). Additionally, you can enter two dates with a colon (:) between them in order to select all records from the table that have a Closed Date that falls between the two dates entered.
The Last Completed State search function can be used to search for records by their last completed state in the procurement process (before the current state). You can select one of the following states using the drop-down list: None, Requisition, Solicitation, Solicitation Response, Evaluation, Award, Post Award, or blank.
The Last Activity Date search function can be used by using the calendar pick list or by entering a date manually; you can search for records having a Last Activity Date equal to the date entered. You also have the option of using the following symbols in front of the date entered to broaden the search: Greater Than (>), Less Than (<), Greater Than or Equal To (>=), and Less Than or Equal To (<=). Additionally, you can enter two dates with a colon (:) between them in order to select all records from the table that have a Last Activity Date that falls between the two dates entered.
Buyer Assignment AlertsBuyer Assignment Alerts
When a Buyer or a Buyer Team is assigned a new task or re-assigned to an existing task, either automatically by the system during transaction processing or manually by a Procurement Manager or authorized Buyer a notification is sent. The notifications are sent based on Application Parameter settings. The BUYR_TEAM_NOTIF_RECIPIENTS parameter determines the recipient of the Buyer Assignment Notification. The BUYR_NOTIF_VALIDATE parameter determines when the Buyer Assignment Notification is sent. The ENABLE_EMAIL_ALRT_NOT parameter must be set to True to enable the Buyer Assignment Notification. Also, the Alert Email Notification flag must be selected on the corresponding User Information (SCUSER) record in the Administration application. If the BYPASS_BUYR_POPUP_ALERT parameter is set to False, then the recipients also receive a real-time pop-up alert. Refer to the “Application Parameters (APPCTRL)” topic in this user guide for more information about these parameters. The messages state the following:
New Assignment – “Procurement (Folder Number) has been assigned to you or your team."
Re-assignment – The newly assigned buyer team receives “Procurement (Folder Number) has been assigned to you or your team." And the previously assigned Buyer or Team will receive "Procurement (Folder Number) has been reassigned to the following Buyer or Buyer Team: (Buyer Team Name)."
You can disable the pop-up alerts by setting the BYPASS_BUYR_POPUP_ALERT parameter to True.
The Protests Filed? flag indicates whether a protest/dispute record has been created for the selected Procurement Folder. The Protest Filed? flag is automatically unchecked if all Protest records associated with the Procurement Folder on the Protest page have been deleted. The Protests action transitions you to the Protest (PRTST) page. The Protest page (when accessed from Procurement Management) is pre-filtered to only display Protest and dispute tracking records related to the selected Procurement Folder, including Historical Procurement Folders. With applicable security rights, you can modify existing protest/dispute records, add new records, and delete existing records. Refer to the “Protest and Post Award Dispute Tracking Setup” topic in this user guide for more information.
This page contains the following actions/links:
Record-Level actions/linksRecord-Level actions/links
The New Transaction action transitions you to the Insert Transaction into Procurement page, which allows a buyer to create a new procurement transaction associated with the selected procurement folder from within the desired selected State. The list of valid Transaction Codes that can be created using the New Transaction action is established on the Transactions tab of the Procurement Type table. Only transactions that belong to the Procurement (PROC) Transaction Category can be selected on Procurement Type.
Vendor Solicitation List - This action is displayed when you select the Solicitation State from the Available State tab. When you select this action from the Procurement Management page, the page will transition and open the Vendor Solicitation List (VENDSLST) page filtered by the selected procurement folder. The VENDSLST page allows you to view, insert, modify and delete vendor solicitation list activities related to the selected solicitation. You can return to the Procurement Management page by selecting the Back link or the Procurement Management link.
Solicitation Response Summary - This action is displayed when you select the Solicitation State from the Available State tab. When you select the Solicitation Response Summary action you are transitioned to the Solicitation Response Summary (SRSUM) page, displaying the results for the specific solicitation associated with that Procurement Folder. The SRSUM page allows buyers to view a current general summary of the Solicitation Response (SR) transactions submitted for a given Solicitation (SO), even when the Solicitation is still open. (Note: If the SRSUM page is blank, the Allow Viewing of Solicitation Response Summary flag is not checked for the selected Solicitation Transaction Code on the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table.) You can return to the Procurement Management page by selecting the Back link.
MA Reference for Authorization Department - This action is displayed when you select the Award State from the Available State tab. When you select this action from the Procurement Management page, the page will transition and open to the MA Reference for Authorized Department (AUTHREF) page filtered by the selected procurement folder. Selecting the Procurement Management link from this page transitions you back to Procurement Management in the All States view filtered by the Procurement Folder value from the transitioning transaction.
Matching Status - This action is displayed when you select the Award or Post Award States from the Available State tab. When you select this action from the Procurement Management page, you are transitioned to the Matching Status (MATA) page. The MATA page is automatically filtered to display the record for the Transaction Code, Transaction Department, and Transaction ID of the award transaction that was selected on the Procurement Management page. If no match is found, then you are taken to a blank page on MATA. You can return to the Procurement Management page by selecting the Back link.
Solicitation - If this action is selected in the Available States grid, then the Questions and Answers action is activated. The Questions and Answers action transitions you to the Solicitation Questions & Answers (SOQA) page. Only the records that belong to the Procurement Folder that was selected on the Procurement Management page are displayed. From this page the buyer can answer questions that have been submitted for solicitations. Refer to the “How to Answer Questions to Solicitations” topic for more information.
Clarification Request - This action, when selected, transitions you to the Clarification Request (CLARQ) page and displays all the Clarification Request records associated with the responses in the Procurement Folder.
Grant Events Schedule - This action navigates you to the Grant Events Schedule (GES) page and the results are filtered to display the record associated with the selected award transaction.
Grant Report - This action navigates you to the Grant Report (GRPT) page and the results are filtered to display the record associated with the selected award transaction.
Post Award - The other Post Award actions are activated and available when you select the Post Award view from the Available States tab. The Post Award view allows you to view other pertinent information for contract management such as Bid Deposits, Procurement Bonds, Contract Assignments, Letters of Credit, Liquidated Damages, Warranty, Vendor Correspondence, Insurance Certificates, Retainage Summary, Retainage Detail, Renewal, and Claims Tracking. When you select any of these actions from the Post Award State, the system will transition and open to the selected page. If new records are inserted, the system shall infer the Procurement Folder information for the selected folder you had selected on Procurement Management before you transitioned to the page. When you select the Procurement Management action on any of these non-transaction action pages, the system shall transition and open the Procurement Management page in the All States view filtered by the selected Procurement. If you do not perform any actions except to select the Procurement Management action again the system transitions you back to Procurement Management page in the All States view with no filter, that is, the page will open as it does when opening it using Global Search.
Procurement Notes - This action allows you to add new notes, modify existing notes or delete existing notes for the selected procurement. If you want to perform notes maintenance, you will first need to select the desired state view from the Available States tab and then select the Procurement Notes action on the Notes tab. This action opens a Procurement Notes page allowing you to add new, modify or delete existing notes. Once the action is completed, you can transition back to the Procurement Management page by using the Back button.
Attachments - When the Attachments link/action is clicked, an Attachments window opens where authorized users can upload, download and delete attachments associated with the selected Procurement Folder.
Update Procurement - This action allows authorized Managers, Buyers, or Procurement Administrators who are assigned to a Procurement Folder, either individually or as part of a team, that are not the Manager of the Procurement Folder to update the folder without having to contact the Manager. The designation of the buyer is controlled by your site’s security setup to this link. This page allows a manager to assign a buyer or a buyer team to a particular procurement. The manager can change the Complexity Rating, Procurement Title, and extend the deadline by a specified number of days. The Complexity Rating is set up by default on the Procurement Type table.