Warranties are received at the time of delivery/acceptance of goods. Warranties can cover the cost of parts, labor, or both depending on the type of warranty for a specified time. The Warranty (WTY) table is updated after issuance of an award. Allowable Warranty Types are established on the Warranty Type table.
A link to this page is provided in the Transactions tab of the Procurement Management page when the user has selected the Post Award State from the Available States tab. You can also transition back to the Procurement Management page from the WTY page by clicking on the Procurement Management link.
Note: Historical records (Historical Procurement Folder field is set to Yes) are hidden, by default, when opening this page. Historical records are only displayed, if the Historical Procurement Folder field on the search window has been set to blank or Yes. If the Historical Procurement Folder search field is set to No, then all historical records are hidden. Records are set to historical as a result of running the Procurement Folder Historical Update process.
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