Post Award State
Post Award begins immediately after a contract has been awarded and continues for the life of the contract until fulfillment. The Procurement Management page is the central repository for all transactions and documentation in a procurement after awards have been made. Refer to the "Procurement Management" topic for more information. Vendors are evaluated on their performance as measured against the terms and conditions of the contract.
The Post Award State is delivered with the following Transaction Types: RC, IN, PE, RN, and TM.
The Post Award State encompasses four main areas:
Matching - Client-configurable rules, established by Transaction Code and/or by Commodity Code at the Commodity Line level.
Vendor Performance - Provides the following transactions: Receipts, Invoices, and Performance Evaluation Forms. Calculations to track: Delivery/shipping statistics from Purchase Orders, Billing statistics from payments, and Solicitation statistics from Solicitation Responses will be available from reports at both the vendor level and the contract level.
Contract Administration - The Administrator with oversight responsibility for the contract will have tools to track: Procurement Bonds, Retainage, Liquidated Damages, Assignments, Insurance Policies, Warranties, and Subcontractor Participation. In addition, the Administrator will also be able to renew Master Agreements and terminate awards.
Payments – Provides a link to the procurement folder allowing users to view the status of the procurement folder from requisition to post award (including payments) directly from the Procurement Management page.
This topic of the user guide will discuss: