IN Transaction Type

The Invoice (IN) transaction allows you to record a vendor's invoice for the shipment of goods or services rendered. Invoice transactions can reference all transactions of the PO Transaction Type. The IN transaction contains the transaction referencing information on the Commodity line, which allows the IN to reference multiple Award transactions for the same vendor's invoice.

 Invoice transactions cannot be referenced by any transaction within CGI Advantage. Invoice transactions can be modified or canceled. Based on site specific setup, Invoice transactions can be created from the Transaction Catalog or from the Invoicing Search Window (INSRCH). The Invoice transaction updates the Vendor Invoice Registry table with the Vendor Code, Vendor Invoice Number and Vendor Invoice Line Number to ensure that duplicate invoices are not recorded for the same vendor.

An Invoice transaction (IN) transaction can be used to correct the Invoiced Quantity and Invoice Amount of the Purchase Order. The Invoice transaction should be created with a Reference Type of Inverse. When creating the Invoice transaction from the Invoicing Search Window (INSRCH), the commodity line will not be created because the referenced Purchase Order is closed. The user must insert a new Commodity Line and reference the Purchase Order with an Inverse reference. The Invoice Quantity or Invoiced SC Amount should be entered as a negative number.

The Invoice (IN) transaction contains the following tabs:

IN Delivered Transaction Codes

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