RC Transaction Type

Receiving is the process whereby the governmental agency takes physical possession of the goods ordered. Quantities and Service Contract amounts are counted and recorded in the system using transactions of the Receiver (RC) Transaction Type. Completion of this process, triggers acceptance processing and acknowledgement of goods received or services rendered.

Receivers can be processed as Inventory transactions as well as non-inventory transactions. In order to process Inventory transactions using the Receiver transaction, a reference to a Purchase Order transaction that has a Warehouse entered on the commodity line is required. Updates are made to the Inventory table in CGI Advantage Inventory Management when the Receiver goes to Final by adjusting the On Hand Quantity and Unit Cost. Please refer to the "Inventory Tables" topic in the CGI Advantage - Inventory Management User Guide for more information.

Receiver transactions can reference all transactions of the PO Transaction Type. Receiver transactions cannot be referenced by any transaction within CGI Advantage. Receiver transactions can be modified or canceled. Based on site specific setup, Receiver transactions can be created from the Transaction Catalog or from the Receiving Search Window (RCSRCH).

The Receiver (RC) transaction contains the following tabs:

RC Delivered Transaction Codes

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