RN Transaction Type

The Renewal (RN) Transaction Type is used by the Renew Agreements batch process to control how specific Agreement (MA and CT) transactions will be renewed. Buyers receive an Advantage Alert notifying them that a contract will expire on a specified date. The buyer receives an alert at the specified number of days before expiration, as set up on the Agreement transaction within the Renewal Period tab. If nothing is set up on the Agreement then Advantage will get the number of days from the Procurement Transaction Control table, Award Details tab. The buyer then submits an RN transaction to renew the Agreement for the specified period. The Renew Agreements batch process creates the new MA and CT transactions or modified version of the MA and CT. After the new MA and CT transactions have been submitted to Final, the new renewal dates takes effect. The Renew Agreements process creates new or modification draft Master Agreements (MA) or Contracts (CT) for all Renewals (RN) effective on a given date based on the setting of the Create New Transaction for Agreement Renewal Periods flag on the Procurement Transaction Control table for the MA or CT Transaction Type. If the flag is checked then a new draft MA or CT transaction is generated as part of the Renew Agreements process and a modification MA or CT transaction is generated when the flag is not checked on Procurement Transaction Control.

When a new MA or CT is created, it will replace the old MA or CT and will be assigned a new number – this will allow the original MA or CT to continue to be referenced until the Expiration Date while the new MA or CT is in place – however, while they are tied together, Advantage interoperates them as separate MA or CT transactions.

RN transactions can reference all transactions of the MA Transaction Types and the CT Transaction Sub Type of the PO Transaction Type. RN transactions cannot be referenced by any transaction in CGI Advantage.

The Renewal (RN) transaction contains the following tabs:

RN Delivered Transaction Code

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