TM Transaction Type

The Termination (TM) Transaction Type is used to terminate award transactions of the MA and PO Transaction Types. TM transactions can reference all transactions of the MA and PO Transaction Types. TM transactions cannot be referenced by any transaction in CGI Advantage. Based upon conditions of the termination, the buyer selects whether he/she wants to Close Without Receipt. If Yes is selected, then outstanding purchase orders are closed without receipt. If No is selected, then outstanding purchase orders remain open for receipts and payments. Emails are sent to departments announcing the termination of the Award as well as which Purchase Orders were closed without receipt (if Close Without Receipt was selected). Note: An error will be received upon Validate or Submit, if the referenced award transaction does not have at least one active Commodity Line (that is, the Inactive Line flag is not selected).

The acceptance of the Termination transaction posts a modification to the referenced award transaction. Master Agreements will be cancelled by a system generated Award cancellation. All open encumbrances for Delivery Orders referencing Master Agreements will be closed if the buyer has selected to close without receipts. This action cancels any open purchase orders and notifies the using agency of the termination and cancellation of the order via email.

Upon submitting the TM to Final, the TM transaction Information (Doc Code, Doc Dept, Doc ID) is passed to the Terminated By (Terminated By Doc Code, Terminated By Doc Dept, Terminated By Doc ID) fields in the Reference section on the Header tab of the newly created draft PO or MA Doc Type transaction. Upon submitting the TM to Final, if the referenced transaction is of the CT or MA Transaction Sub Type, then the system sets the Award Status field on the Header of the newly created draft CT or MA transaction to a value of Terminated. If the Terminated By fields are populated and/or the Award Status field is Terminated, then all commodity and accounting lines must be closed or an error is issued when submitting the newly created PO or MA transaction.

If a TM is terminating a transaction of the PO Transaction Type, then the TM will automatically generate a modification to the original Purchase Order transaction in the Draft phase. The following data is modified on the Purchase Order:

The system generates an email to the Requestor’s Email Address field supplied on the Purchase Order transaction, notifying the original Requestor that the Purchase Order has been terminated. 

CGI Advantage Procurement will terminate a MA in one of two ways:

Terminating a Master Agreement (NOT Closing without receipt)

Terminating a Master Agreement (Closing without receipt)

The Termination transaction contains the following tabs:

TM Delivered Transaction Code

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