Application Parameter

Although officially listed as an Infrastructure table, the Application Parameter table is one that is part of general system configuration. Options on this table are set once and do not vary by year, fund, department, transaction, or other factors. The table is very generic in its design so that it can host many different types of options with the Parameter Name and Parameter Value fields. Of the controls on this table, those listed below directly relate to the Procurement area. Each is discussed in other tabs in this user guide where functionality is detailed that uses the application parameter. Note: Any changes to records on this table should be followed by a bounce of all servers used for CGI Advantage Financial.

Procurement ControlsProcurement Controls



Amendment Number Prefix


Determines the prefix that will be used when auto generating the Amendment Number.

Amendment Title


This parameter provides the ability to configure the Amendment Title that will be sent along with the link in each modification solicitation webservice call to the Business Assistance Virtual Network (BAVN) website.

Amendment Note


This parameter provides the ability to configure the Amendment Note that will be sent along with the link in each modification solicitation webservice call to the Business Assistance Virtual Network (BAVN) website.

Allow Date of Birth for Company


This parameter controls the usage of the Date of Birth (DOB)/Marital Status field at the time of vendor registration and vendor maintenance. The delivered value for this parameter is No.

  • If the Parameter is set to Yes, then the system will allow the user to enter the DOB/Marital Status when the Organization Type = Company or Individual.

  • If the Parameter is set to No, then the system will allow the user to enter the DOB/Marital Status only when the Organization Type = Individual.

Auto Attach PDF transactions


This parameter enables the Transaction Codes for which the transaction’s pdf should be automatically attached when the transaction becomes Final. For multiple transactions, separate using a comma.

BAVN Details


This parameter provides the ability to configure the text that will be sent along with the link in each solicitation webservice call to the Business Assistance Virtual Network (BAVN) website.

Buyer Notification based on the transaction phase


This parameter determines when Buyer Assignment Notifications are issued. Valid values are True or False. The delivered value is True.

  • True – Buyer assignment notifications are issued immediately when the buyer assignment is made (on validate).

  • False – Buyer assignment notifications are issued upon finalization of the transaction.

Buyer Notification on creation/assignment of procurement folder


This parameter determines the recipient(s) of Buyer Assignment notifications, if a Buyer Team is assigned to the procurement transaction (that is, Transaction Type is RQ, PO, SO, or MA). Valid values are 1, 2, 3 or 4.  The delivered value is 4.

  • 1 – Only the assigned Manager of the Buyer Team

  • 2 – Entire team (excluding manager)

  • 3 – Entire team (including manager)

  • 4 – First Buyer listed on the Buyer Team


(Bypass Buyer Popup Alerts)

If this parameter is set to true, then pop-up alerts are not sent to newly assigned buyers/buyer teams for a Procurement Folder. If this parameter is set to false, then buyer assignment pop-up alerts are sent.

Catalog Administrator Email


This parameter provides the email address for the automatic email notification that is sent when the Catalog Upload process completes successfully.

The email address entered in this parameter infers as the default value to the Catalog Administrator Email field when a user navigates to either the Catalog Upload page in VSS or clicks the Transform link from the Catalog File page in Advantage Financial.

The delivered value for this parameter is blank.

Catalog Administrator Name


This parameter provides the catalog administrator’s name for the automatic email notification that is sent when the Catalog Upload process completes successfully.

The name entered in this parameter infers as the default value to the Catalog Administrator Name field when a user navigates to either the Catalog Upload page in VSS or clicks the Transform link from the Catalog File page in Advantage Financial.

The delivered value for this parameter is blank.

Catalog Commodity Code Match


The parameter indicates whether the Commodity Code for all Catalog lines being loaded must match the Commodity Code on the Master Agreement’s Commodity line. The delivered value for this parameter is True, which requires the Commodity Codes to match. If the value for this parameter is changed to False, then the Commodity Codes for the Catalog Lines being loaded do not have to match the Commodity Code for the Master Agreement Commodity line.

Catalog FTP User ID


Indicates the FTP User ID to use to move the Catalog files to the server indicated in the CAT_FTP_HOST parameter. Refer to the "Catalog Management" topic for more information.  

Catalog FTP Password ID


Indicate the Password ID corresponding to the encrypted password on the Encrypted Batch Parameters (ENBP) page to use with the Catalog FTP User ID to move the Catalog files. Refer to the "Catalog Management" topic for more information.

Catalog Upload Maximum Error Limit


This parameter establishes the cutoff point at which the system will stop the catalog transformation process. The system will accumulate all errors that occur during the catalog file transformation process.  The process will stop if the Catalog Upload Maximum Error Limit is met. Once the Catalog Upload Maximum Error Limit has been reached the process will stop the transformation process and end with a Failed Status.

The delivered value for this field is 200. A value must exist for this parameter; blank or zero are not allowed.

Custom Transaction Code


The transaction code for which the reference information should be displayed on the pdf header. The referenced data includes the transaction’s Code, Department, and ID.

Display Custom Information on PDFs


When set to true, the system prints Department Name, Service From, and To Date from the last commodity line and the Amendment Amount on Requisition and Contract transactions.

Enable Email Alert Notification


This is a system wide setting to turn on/off the email alert notification feature. Valid values are true or false. The delivered value is false. The parameter must be set to true to enable email alert notifications.

Enable MA Commodity Effective Dates


This is a system wide setting to turn on/off the ability to infer the Effective Begin Date and Expiration Date from the Header of Master Agreement transactions to the Commodity lines on new and modification versions when the Override Header Dates indicator is false.

  • If set to Yes, then all the commodity date validations are performed.

  • If set to No, then the Commodity date validations are not performed.

If the Line Type is Cost-plus, Catalog, Discount, or Item and the line has Not Renewed unchecked, the Effective Begin Date and Service From and Service To dates on that line are compared and issues an error if invalid.

If the Line Type is Service and the line has Not Renewed unchecked, the Effective Begin Date and Expiration dates are set to the Service From and Service To dates on that line.

Assemble External Terms and Conditions


When a transaction is set up on the Assembly Configuration table, and the Assemble External Terms and Conditions parameter is set to True on the Applications Parameters table, when the transaction goes to Final the system automatically initiates the Assembly Process. If this parameter is set to True, then the View Assemble Request link is visible on transactions that allow the Assembly functionality.

WARNING: Usage of the value 'True' for this Application Parameter will require the establishment of a record on the Print Job Setup (IPJB) and Assembly Configuration tables for each Procurement Transaction type, not just for the Procurement Transaction type for which Forms Assembly functionality is desired. Failure to do this will result in the rejection of Procurement transactions, which contain the Default Form field (ex. SO, PO and MA Transaction types), but for which a record is not defined on these two tables.

Infer Extended Description  from Inventory (INVN)


If this value is set to True, then the Extended Description from the Inventory (INVN) table infers to the Detailed Instruction of the Requisition (RQ) and Purchase Order (PO) transactions. If set to False, then the Detailed Instruction is not inferred by the system.

Matching Fiscal Year to the Budget Fiscal Year


When set to true, the system will default the MATCH_FY and APD parameter values to the accounting lines of all Payment Request transaction codes created from copy forward or the Matching process when the Budget Fiscal Year of a referenced Purchase Order accounting line is the prior Budget Fiscal Year. That comparison uses the default Fiscal Year of the Application Date to determine prior or current year.

On those Payment Request transactions that are manually created (e.g. not the ones from the Matching process) these defaults will only occur if the Fiscal Year and Period fields on the accounting line are blank. Once inferred, the values can be manually overridden if desired.

There will be no inference if this parameter is set to false. Also, if the parameter is set to true there will be no inference if:

  • There is no referenced accounting line

  • The current Budget Fiscal Year is used

  • The payment request is on the Payroll (PYRL) transaction type

  • The payment request is on the Accounting Based Spending (ABS) transaction type

  • The Payment Request is created from the Matching Status (MATA) page

  • The Payment Request is manually entered to reference a Purchase Order

  • The Budget Fiscal Year is 9999

Accounting Period used when MATCH_BFY_FY is set to true


The default Accounting Period to be used on the accounting line when the parameter MATCH_BFY_FY is set to true. The parameter must be set when MATCH_BFY_FY is true.

The value in this parameter will have to change if Purchase Orders are left open and not rolled and the original APD is closed (For example, 12 is closed so 13 has to be used).

Fiscal Year used when MATCH_BFY_FY is set to true


The default Fiscal Year to be used on the accounting line when the parameter MATCH_BFY_FY is set to true. The parameter must be set when MATCH_BFY_FY is true.

The value in this parameter has to be adjusted with each passing year just as a new Fiscal Year starts. To forget to do so will result in transactions failing with a closed Fiscal Year being used and the FY < BFY condition that is typically prevented with BFY Staging.

Lock Buyer Default


When a transaction that first creates a Procurement Folder goes to Final, this parameter indicates the default setting for the Lock Buyer flag on the Procurement Management page.

Defer Prior Fiscal Year Payment


When set to True, the Matching Manager selection process defers generating payments for prior year award transactions.

Procurement Security


If the value is set to true, the user is prevented from modifying any state of procurement or grantor projects where they are not the buyer/coordinator, manager, or member of a buyer/coordinator or manager team, and they are not designated as Procurement Administrator on the Procurement User (USER) table. This procurement security affects the following pages: Procurement, Procurement Milestones, Procurement Transaction Viewer, Protest, Procurement Notes, Vendor Solicitation List, Claims Tracking, Bid Deposit, Procurement Bonds, Contract Assignment, Letters of Credit, and Warranty.

Prevent Stock Request update after Confirmation Issue


This parameter controls if modifications are allowed on the Stock Request (SRQ) transaction after a Confirmation Issue (CI) has been processed referencing the Stock Request.

The following two values are valid for this parameter:

  • If set as Yes, then the following logic will be applied on the Inventory Stock Request (SRQ) modification.

  • If no commodity line for the SRQ transaction is issued or released; the header, accounting distribution, commodity line, and accounting line can be modified.

  • If no commodity line for the SRQ transaction is issued or released, the existing accounting distribution line/accounting line cannot be deleted; however, they can be modified and new commodity lines can be added.

  • If one or more commodity lines for the SRQ transaction is issued or released; the header and accounting distribution cannot be modified and no new commodity line or accounting line can be added.

  • If one or more commodity lines for the SRQ transaction is issued or released (full or partial quantity); any commodity line/accounting line with issued or released quantities cannot be modified.

  • If all commodity lines for the SRQ transaction are issued or released (full or partial); then no modification is allowed to any component.

  • If set as No, the system will allow modifications to the SRQ transaction. The validation occurs only when the user tries to reduce the quantity to less than the Issued or Released quantity.

The default value for this parameter is No.

Require Matching Quantity


This parameter determines when Received and Paid values are not equal whether an overrideable error is issued on PR Transaction Type transactions. If REQ_MATCH_QTY parameter is set to true, then the following logic is invoked:

  1. For line type of Item, if the Quantity Received and Quantity Paid for are not equal, the PR Transaction Type transaction generated rejects and system issues an overrideable error.

  2. For line type of Service, if the SC Amount Received and SC Amount Paid for are not equal, the PR Transaction type transaction generated rejects and system issues an overrideable error.

Default SR Wizard Transaction Code


The default Transaction Code for transactions created from the Solicitation Response Wizard.

Shopper Maximum Record Count


This value limits the number of records that can be returned during queries made on the Shopper (SHOP) page.

Shopper Auth Dept Control


If the value for this parameter is True, then the Search Results for the Available from MA Catalogs, Available from PunchOut Catalogs, and Available on Master Agreements tabs are filtered by the user’s Home Department against the values in the MA Authorized Dept field on the Master Agreement. If the value for this parameter is False then the search results are not filtered based on the user’s Home Department.

Shopper DO PRC Control


If the value of this parameter is DO, then the value in the Delivery Order Default field on the System Options table is defaulted to the Code field on the Shopper - Checkout page (if the contents of the shopping cart are from one vendor on the same Master Agreement or MA Catalog).

If the value of this parameter is PRC, then the value in the Payment Request Default field on the System Options table is defaulted to the Code field on the Shopper - Checkout page (if the contents of the shopping cart are from one vendor on the same Master Agreement or MA Catalog).

Shop Search Characters to Escape


This parameter is used to indicate the characters that should be escaped in the ‘Search For’ field on the Shopper (SHOP) page, if your site is using either an Oracle or a DB2 database. It supports multiple values. The values are listed in a string. For example, a value of “!%$-&” will escape all five characters, !, %, $, -, &.

The system will insert a backslash (\) character in front of any character listed in SHOP_SEARCH_ESCAPE_CHARS parameter which is found in the SHOP ‘Search For’ search string. For example, if you search for TEST-DOC-MA, then the system submits the query as TEST\-DOC\-MA.

Update Extended Description


This parameter controls if modifications are allowed for the Extended Description field on the Procurement transactions.

The following two values are valid for this parameter:

  • If set to Yes, then the system will revert back the Extended Descriptions to their descriptions from the previous versions of a Procurement transaction for the Inventory commodities.

  • If set to No, then the system will not make any changes to the updates made to the Extended Description. The system will save the modified value in the Extended Description field.

The default value for this parameter is No.

Number of Days to consider SR to be eligible for Discount


This parameter is used to set the Discount Eligible (DISC_ELBLE_FL) flag on the Solicitation Response transaction Header. Once entered, it is then available on the Evaluation transaction Bid Tabulation line for filtering. Based on the following condition, the system sets the Discount Eligible flag (database field not displayed in UI) on the SR Header:

  • If Discount 1 Days on the SR Header is equal to or greater than this parameter value, then the Discount Eligible flag is set to 1.

  • If Discount 1 Days on the SR header is not entered or is less than this parameter value, then the Discount Eligible flag is set to 0.

The default value for this parameter is 0.

Override Advanced Shopper Search Syntax


This parameter is used to define the logic used in the Shopper (SHOP) page for the ‘Search For’ search string. The valid values are True and False. The default value is False.

If this parameter is set to False, the Shopper search logic uses the standard database specific syntax that is used for searches.

If this parameter is set to True, the following logic is applied:

  • If your site is using an Oracle database, upon searching, the system captures any instance of an asterisk (*) in the search string and replaces it (in the background) with the % symbol before submitting the query to the database. For example, if you search for *PAPER*, the system submits the query as %PAPER%

  • If your site is using either an Oracle or a DB2 database, the system looks at the Shop Search Characters to Escape (SHOP_SEARCH_ESCAPE_CHARS) parameter to identify the characters that should be escaped in the search string.  The system inserts a backslash (\) character in front of any character listed in SHOP_SEARCH_ESCAPE_CHARS parameter which is found in the SHOP ‘Search For’ search string. For example, if you search for TEST-DOC-MA, the system submits the query as TEST\-DOC\-MA.

  • If your site is using a SQL Server database, upon searching, the system appends double quotes to each end of the SHOP ‘Search For’ text string before submitting the query to the database. For example, if you search for OFFICE SUPPLIES, the system submits that search query as “OFFICE SUPPLIES”.

UR Grouping Ctrl Default


This parameter sets the value of the Group Purchases By field on the Shopping Cart Checkout page. The parameter contains the options Allow System to Choose Grouping and Group All PO Commodities Together, designated by values of 1 and 2, with 1 being the default value.

  • When this parameter value is 1 (Allow System to Choose Grouping), the Group Purchases By field on the Shopping Cart Checkout page is set to the CVL value of Allow System to Choose Grouping.

  • When this parameter value is 2 (Group All PO Commodities Together), the Group Purchases By field on the Shopping Cart Checkout page is set to the CVL value of Group All PO Commodities Together.

UR Grouping Ctrl Enabled


This parameter determines if the Group Purchases By field on the Shopping Cart Checkout page is editable or system defaulted.  If the parameter value is set to Yes, you are able to manually edit the Group Purchases By field directly on the Shopping Cart Checkout page. If the parameter value is set to No, the field cannot be edited. The default value for this parameter is No.

UR Default RQ All PO Commodities Grouped as One


This parameter establishes the default Transaction Code to be used by the UR transaction during the creation of destiny transactions from Universal Requestor Group 7 (Commodities Grouped As One). The default value for this parameter is RQS.

UR Default RQ Unstructured Commodities


This parameter is used to specify the default Transaction Code to be used by the UR transaction during the creation of destiny transactions from Universal Requestor Group 0 (Unstructured Commodities). The default value for this parameter is RQS.

Infer Current Master Agreement Price


If the value is set to true, then the system will re-infer the Master Agreement Price onto the Order when the Order is being modified. If the value is set to false, then the Price on the Order will not change when modifying the Order and will remain the original value from when the Order was first submitted to final.

Maximum Attachments Allowed on Solicitations


This value defines the maximum number of attachments that can be attached to any Solicitation transaction. The maximum value allowed for this parameter is 100 and should be a numeric value equal to or greater than 1 and less than or equal to 100.

Required Unit Price from Invoice


This parameter determines the Price that is used when generating the Payment Request (PRM) transaction. If set to true, the PRM is generated by using Invoice Price. If set to false, the PRM is generated by using the lowest price between the Order and Invoice when using a matching indicator that includes the Invoice.

Enable Unique Numbering to Generate Authorization Award Number

This parameter has two valid values of True and False. It is used to determine if the system auto-generates the Authorization Award Number field on the transaction types of CMR, MA, MMR and the transaction sub-type of CT upon the Validate or Submit action.

If set to True and the Authorization Award Number of the CMR, MA, MMR or CT sub-type transaction is blank then the system auto-generates the Authorization Award Number.

PunchOut Overall Delay (in milliseconds)


This is the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that the PunchOut Controller (the little message window that pops up when the user initiates a PunchOut session) will wait for the user to cleanly exit their PunchOut session (by checking out or by cancelling in such a way that an empty shopping cart is communicated back to Advantage) before the PunchOut Controller will terminate. For example, if set to 200,000, then the PunchOut Controller will wait a maximum of 200 seconds before automatically terminating the PunchOut Controller and thus allowing the normal Advantage time-out to eventually occur, because, perhaps the user walked away from their machine and forgot about their PunchOut and Advantage sessions. As long as the PunchOut Controller is active, the normal Advantage time-out process will not activate. Generally, this should be set to an amount of time that is reasonable for a user to complete their vendor site PunchOut session in a timely manner. If this value is set to low, then the PunchOut Controller may terminate prematurely and the user may not be properly navigated to their generated UR transaction upon checkout.  If this value is set to high, then the Advantage session may be kept alive beyond an amount of time that is acceptable for a site’s security standards.

PunchOut Status Check Delay (in milliseconds)


This is the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the PunchOut Controller will wait before requesting an update from Advantage on the status of the user’s PunchOut session. For example, if this is set to 2,000 milliseconds, then the PunchOut Controller will request an updated status from Advantage every 2 seconds. The PunchOut Controller requests status updates from Advantage for the following kinds of events: Has the user checked out of the PunchOut site with a shopping cart (i.e. posted a PunchOutOrderMessage to Advantage to generate a UR)? Has the user cancelled out of the PunchOut session with an empty shopping cart (i.e. Cancel action supported by some PunchOut sites that cleanly ends the PunchOut session with an empty shopping cart / PunchOutOrderMessage)? Has an error occurred while attempting to establish the PunchOut session? It is recommended to keep this delay between 2,000 and 5,000 milliseconds (2-5 seconds). Setting it too low will result in too many unnecessary update requests being sent to Advantage. Setting it too high will result in delays in the user’s experience, primarily as they check out of the vendor site and transition back into Advantage.

Non-PCard Delivery Order Transaction Code


This parameter stores the transaction code that will be created upon submitting the Universal Requestor (UR) transaction created from the Non-Pcard Punch-out Orders.

Max Jobs Allowed by the System


This parameter is used during processing of Solicitation Response (SR) transactions from the Solicitation Response Automation Generation (SRAG) page only. The parameter value specified only allows that number of jobs to be scheduled simultaneously for SRAG when the user clicks either the Create Response or Create No Response links from the SRAG online page. The parameter value should not be blank.

Solicitation Vendor List Response Required


This parameter is used to determine if each and every vendor listed on the solicitation’s Vendor List needs to have a completed SR before the EV transaction can process. 

If this parameter is set to Yes, each and every vendor listed on the solicitation’s Vendor List needs to have a completed SR before the EV transaction can process.

If this parameter is set to No, an EV transaction can process without requiring responses from every vendor from the solicitation’s Vendor List.

Bypass Invoice Search Create Transaction Page


This parameter is used to determine if the Create Transaction page from the Invoicing Search (INSRCH) page is bypassed.

If the parameter value is set to True, the system bypasses the Create Transaction page on INSRCH page. 

If the parameter value is set to False, the system does not bypass the Create Transaction page on the INSRCH page.

The default value for this parameter is False.

Invoice Search Default Transaction Code


This parameter specifies the Transaction Code which is used to create Invoice transactions via the Invoicing Search (INSRCH) page if the Bypass Invoice Search Create Transaction Page (INSRCH_BP_CREATE_DOC_PG) parameter is set to True. 

The default value for this parameter is IN.

Receiving Search Default Transaction Code


This parameter specifies the Transaction Code which is used to create Receiver transactions via the Receiving Search (RCSRCH) page.

The default value for this parameter is RC.



This parameter is intended for Procurement transactions with a Transaction Type of MA, PO, RQ or SO. When the parameter value is No, the Reset Buyer Action is inactivated or disabled. When set to Yes, the Reset Buyer Action is activated or enabled.

Create One CLMTRK per RC


This parameter controls whether the system should create one CLMTRK record per RC transaction on submission or if the system should create one CLMTRK record for each commodity line available on the RC transaction.

  • If the parameter is set to Yes, the system creates one CLMTRK record per RC transaction having a rejected quantity to be returned.  

  • If the parameter is set to No, the system creates a CLMTRK record for each commodity line available in the RC transaction having a rejected quantity to be returned.

Infer Buyer Form MA


If set to False, it will generate a new Procurement Folder and then will use the buyer assignment logic to generate a new buyer for the new folder.

If set to True, it will assign the buyer from the MA as the buyer for the new folder.

Refresh TC Mods Warning


This parameter, when set to True, indicates that the system will issue a warning when Terms and Conditions are out of date on Award modifications. If this parameter is set to False, the system will not issue a warning on Award modifications.

Infer Final Destination


This parameter, when set to False, indicates that the system will infer the Shipping Location to the Procurement transaction’s Commodity Lines based on the Shipping Location on the Procurement User page.

If set to True, the system will infer the Shipping Location based on the Final Destination Location on the Procurement User page.

This parameter is delivered as False.

Invoiced Date Inference on IN Transaction


This parameter, when set to True, indicates that the Invoiced Date on the IN transaction is defaulted to the current application date when the transaction is created.

If this parameter is set to False, then the Invoiced Date is not defaulted to current application date when an IN transaction is created.

The default value for this parameter is True.

Received Date Inference on RC Transaction


This parameter, when set to True, indicates that the Received Date on the RC transaction is defaulted to the current application date when the transaction is created.

If this parameter is set to False, then the Received Date is not defaulted to current application date when a RC transaction is created.

The default value for this parameter is True.

RQWRKB Maximum Record Count


This parameter limits the number of records that can be returned during queries made on the Requisition Workbench page.

The default value for this parameter is 2000.

RQWRKB Maximum Record Select


This parameter limits the number of records that can be selected on the Requisition Workbench page to create a purchase order. This parameter value should not exceed the Max Line limit for PO_DOC_COMM as defined on the Transaction Component Requirements (DCREQ) table in the Administration application.

The default value for this parameter is 500.

RQWRKB Infer Vendor Code


This parameter, when set to True, indicates that the system allows the inference of Vendor Code on the Create Order transaction page from the RQ Vendor line. If set to False, the Vendor Code will be set to blank when the Create Order transaction page is opened.

Infer User Home Department on SHOP page


This parameter is used to control the Department Code that is inferred on the Shopper (SHOP) page. If this value is set to True, the system infers the user’s home Department value into the Department search field on the Shopper (SHOP) page.  If this parameter is set to False, the system does not infer any value into the Department search field on the SHOP page. The delivered value for this parameter is False.

Garnishment Vendor BTRC


This parameter is used to identify Garnishment Vendors. Vendor records with this BTRC number will not be required to be identified as a Purchasing Agent Vendor or Services Vendor.

Blanket Authority Monthly Limit


This parameter sets the monthly limit for the blanket authority on the PO transactions. (Blanket authority is set up using Budget structure 52).

Note: In addition to this, you will need to set up BORULEs to enforce the monthly limit defined on this parameter for the PO transactions.

Buyer Assignment Logic


This parameter determines which method of Buyer assignment should be used. Two methods available are STANDARD and WKLAR (Workload Assignment). Please refer to the “Buyer Logic” topic for more details.

Default Active to Yes on Commodity Pick


This parameter is used to filter records from the Commodity (COMM) and Inventory (INVN) tables when using the picklists on the applicable pages and transactions. If this parameter is set to Yes, then picks to COMM and INVN will be filtered to only show the Active records. If it is set to No, then all records from the COMM and INVN tables will be displayed in the picklists.

External Contract URL


This parameter is used to store the link for any external system that displays the Master Agreement transaction. This is also displayed on the MA transaction header. BOFORMULA can be setup to append the link to add transaction details to it.

Payment Request Referenced Transaction Vendor Code


This parameter identifies the vendor codes to be used as placeholder values on the Master Agreement (MA) and Purchase Order (PO) transaction types. When populated with a Vendor/Customer code, if this placeholder Vendor/Customer code is used on a MA or PO transaction types, an override of COA precedence for the Vendor/Customer code value will be allowed on the referencing Payment Request (PR) transaction. A PR transaction referencing a MA or PO transaction type containing a placeholder Vendor/Customer code will allow update of the vendor to a different vendor for payment.

The parameter’s value will accept a comma delimited list. If left blank, no vendor is designated as a placeholder.

Master Agreement Override Lock Order Flag


This parameter controls the ability to modify some of the fields on the Purchase Order (PO) transactions types that reference a Master Agreement (MA) with a Commodity Line type of Catalog and Lock Order Specifications field set to Yes.

  • When MA_OVERRIDE_LOCK_ORD_FL is set to True, the following fields will allow manual modification: Special Instructions, Supplier Part Description Instructions, Material Request Number, Purchaser Instructions, Supplier Instructions, and Requestor ID.

  • When MA_OVERRIDE_LOCK_ORD_FL is set to False, the Master Agreement (MA) and Purchase Order (PO) transactions types that have a Commodity Line Type of Catalog will default the Lock Order Specification and order specifications from the referenced Master Agreement (MA) transaction. Manual modification of the following fields: Special Instructions, Supplier Part Description Instructions, Material Request Number, Purchaser Instructions, Supplier Instructions, and Requestor ID are not allowed.

Enable Send to CLM


This parameter indicates whether the Send to CLM action on the Evaluation (EV) transactions is enabled or activated to generate an XML file that contains EV information to Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) in a nightly interface.

When this parameter is set to Yes, the Send to CLM action is enabled or activated and when this parameter is set to No, the Send to CLM Action is inactivated or disabled. The delivered value for this parameter is No.

Construction EV Default XML Path


A Construction Contracts specific parameter that defines the file path where Financial Management System (FMS) will create the EV XML file.

Procurement Officer Name


Procurement Officer Name that is part of the XML file that is used while Printing the Master Agreement (MA) transaction type. By including this field in the XML, it can then be added onto the printed form by customizing the form to display it.

Requisition transactions not to include on RQWRBK


This parameter limits the display of records on the results grid of the Requisition Workbench page. If this parameter is set to Yes, the Commodity line is removed from the Requisition Workbench when the Purchase Order (PO) is in a Phase of Draft, Pending or Final. If set to No, the Requisition Commodity line is removed from the Requisition Workbench once the PO is processed to Final.

The default value for this parameter is No.

Prevent Copy forward from PO/DO transactions to PR transactions when PCARD is populated.


  • When the parameter value is No, the system will allow a user to Copy Forward PO/DO transactions to PR transactions.

  • When the parameter value is Yes and Pcard is populated on the Header of the PO/DO transaction, then the system will not allow users to use the Copy Forward action to create PR transactions.

The default value for this parameter is No.

Vendor Portal URL


This is the URL used to transition to a site maintained internal website from the VSS portal.

Export Modified Solicitation


This parameter exports expired Solicitation transactions from Advantage Financial to Vendor Self Service when the Published Date on the Solicitation transaction is blank and the Solicitation expired on the current date.

Advantage Connect Client ID


The client ID is from Connect.

Advantage Connect Client Secret


The client secret key is from Connect.

Prevent Multiplier Value Edit


This parameter, when set to Yes, prevents the Multiplier field on the commodity line of Purchase Orders from having a negative or invalid value and it automatically infers the Multiplier and Smaller Unit values from the Unit of Measure by Vendor and Item (UOMV) table when this condition is met or the fields are blank. A warning is issued, if the values for Multiplier and Smaller Unit do not match those on UOMV.

When the parameter is set to No, the Multiplier and Smaller Unit values are inferred from the UOMV table. These values cannot be changed, as this is a hard inference.

Enable Add Punchout Edits


This parameter controls whether additional parameters need to be enabled while other parameters are restricted on the Punchout Checkout page.

When the parameter value is Yes, the system will not allow a user to enter the Unit and ID field with Auto Document Numbering (ADNT) Prefix must be used with a length of four.

When the parameter value is No, the system will allow the user to enter the Unit and ID field with ADNT Prefix length of less than four.

The default value for this parameter is No.

Exclude Closed Fiscal Year for PRN


This parameter indicates whether to include accounting lines that have a closed fiscal year on the Matching Payment Request-Inverse (PRN) transaction.  

When set to True, the Matching Manager process does not consider the accounting lines from the referenced transaction that have a closed fiscal year. Accounting lines are only created where the referenced accounting line has an open fiscal year for the credit memo.

When set to False, the Matching Manager process considers all accounting lines from the referenced transaction with a closed amount greater than zero to create accounting lines for the PRN transaction.

Vendor/Customer ControlsVendor/Customer Controls



Display Inactive Commodities in VSS


This parameter indicates whether inactive commodities should be displayed in VSS. When set to true inactive commodities will be displayed in VSS. When set to false inactive commodities will not be displayed in VSS.

Registration Thank You Display Vendor Registration


This parameter controls the display of the Vendor Registration Application link and the corresponding text on the Thank You Page at the end of VSS registration.

Add Location Thank You Display EFT Registration Form


This parameter controls the display of the EFT Information Form link and the corresponding text on the Thank You Page at the end of the Add Business Location registration process in VSS.

Add Location Thank You Display Vendor Registration Application


This parameter controls the display of the Vendor Registration Application link and the corresponding text on the Thank You Page at the end of the Add Business Location registration process in VSS.

Add Location Thank You Display W-9 Certification Form


This parameter controls the display of the Download Substitute W-9 Certification Form link and the corresponding text on the Thank You Page at the end of the Add Business Location registration process in VSS.

Add Location Thank You PDF Section Text


This parameter controls the text that is displayed above the PDF files on the Thank You Page at the end of the Add Business Location registration process in VSS.

Add Location Thank You Page Text


This parameter controls the text that is displayed under the title on the Thank You Page at the end of the Add Business Location registration process in VSS.

Allow Account Activation Verification


This parameter identifies the type of information that a vendor needs to provide when attempting to activate an account in VSS that already exists in Advantage Financial.

Allow EFT Registration


This parameter determines of a vendor is allowed to enter and maintain EFT information for their account in VSS.

Multiple Locations Allowed for Headquarters Account


This parameter defines whether or not a vendor has the option to create and maintain child accounts under their Headquarters Account.

Allow Vendor Business Types


This parameter determines of a vendor is allowed to enter and maintain business type information for their account in VSS.

Allow Vendor Registered Commodities


This parameter determines of a vendor is allowed to enter and maintain commodity information for their account in VSS.

Allow Vendor Service Areas


This parameter determines of a vendor is allowed to enter and maintain service area information for their account in VSS.

Registration Thank You Display EFT Information Form


This parameter controls the display of the EFT Information Form link and the corresponding text on the Thank You Page at the end of VSS registration.

Registration Thank You Display W-9 Certification Form


This parameter controls the display of the Download Substitute W-9 Certification Form link and the corresponding text on the Thank You Page at the end of VSS registration.

Registration Thank You PDF Section Text


This parameter controls the text that is displayed above the PDF files on the Thank You Page at the end of VSS registration.

Registration Thank You Page Text


This parameter controls the text that is displayed under the title on the Thank You Page at the end of VSS registration.

VSS days for SO Recent Amendments


Allows a user to view all Solicitations that have been Amended within the number of days specified on this parameter.

VSS days for SO Recent Awards


Allows a user to view all Solicitations that have had an award issued within the number of days specified on this parameter.

VSS days for SO Closing Soon


Allows a user to view all Solicitations that will close within the number of days specified on this parameter.

VSS days for SO Recent Intents


Allows a user to view all Solicitations that have had an Intent to Award posted within the number of days specified on this parameter.

VSS days for SR Recent Closings


Allows a user to view all Solicitation Responses related to Solicitations that have a closing date within the number of days specified on this parameter.

VSS days for SR Recent Closings


Allows a user to view all Solicitation Responses related to Solicitations that have a closing date within the number of days specified on this parameter.

VSS days for SR Recent  Responses


Allows a user to view all Solicitation Responses that were submitted within the number of days specified on this parameter.

VSS Maximum Number of Months


This parameter determines the amount of historical Financial Transaction information that will be available to vendors in VSS.

Verify Catalog Crosswalk table


This parameter determines the default value for the Verify Catalog Crosswalk parameter within the Catalog Load process. If set to Yes, the system will set the VERIFY_CATX parameter to Yes on the Catalog Load Job. If set to No, the system will set the VERIFY_CATX parameter to No on the Catalog Load Job respectively.

Notify VSS Registered Vendors Only


Determines whether notifications based on certain event criteria will be sent to VSS-Registered vendors only (when true) or to all vendors with valid email addresses (when false).

Note: The VSS Registered flag on the eMall section on the Vendor/Customer table will be checked if the vendor/customer is registered with VSS.

VCM Discard flag for non-VSS initiated VCMs

(VCM Discard)

This value is set to Yes to enable the VCM Discard logic for non-VSS initiated VCMs. If the value is set to No or the record does not exist, the baseline discard logic is used for discarding VCMs.



If marked as true, the system will set the status of the VCMT records to Rejected when the related VCM transaction is discarded. If marked as false, the system will not make these changes to the VCMT records.

VCM Certification Transaction Description


This parameter provides the default value for the Transaction Description field on the Header of Vendor Customer Modification (VCM) transactions created by the Create Certification Transaction batch job.

VCM Modification Transaction Description


This parameter provides the default value for the Transaction Description field on the Header of Vendor Customer Modification (VCM) transactions created by the Tracking Table to VCM batch job.

VSS VCC Transaction Department

(Transaction Department)

Transaction Department to be used for VSS VCC transactions.

VSS IN Transaction Unit


This parameter defines the Transaction Unit Code for the invoices that are created in VSS and sent to Advantage Financial. If this parameter is not found or does not contain a value then the Agreement Transaction Unit Code will be mapped to the Invoice.

VSS VCC Transaction Code for Activating an Existing Account

(VSS Activate Existing Account)

VSS VCC Transaction Code for Activating an Existing Account

VSS VCC Transaction Code for Adding a Location as a Guest

(VSS Add Location as Guest)

VSS VCC Transaction Code for Adding a Location as a Guest.

VSS VCC Transaction Code for Adding a Location as a User

(VSS Add Location as User)

VSS VCC Transaction Code for Adding a Location as a User.

VSS VCC Transaction Code for New Registration

(VSS New Registration)

VSS VCC Transaction Code for New Registration.

Activate Verification Days


This property is used to determine the minimum number of days since the last verification to trigger user account verification.

VSS Access Instructions


Vendor instructions to access VSS. This information is included in emails when a Solicitation is modified.

VSS Customer Care Information


Customer Care contact information that is included in certain emails sent to vendors.

VSS Transaction Model


Parameter that determines if the VSS Transaction Model is to be used. If the value is set to true, then VCM transactions will be created when updates are made from the Vendor/Customer Account Maintenance in VSS.

VSS Email From Address


The "From" address for certain emails sent to vendors. (Note that most use the address on the Email Letter Generation table.)



The VSS URL that is included in Solicitation emails sent to vendors.

VTH Maximum Record Count


This value limits the number of records that can be returned during queries made on the Vendor Transaction History and Vendor Payment History pages. This value also limits the number of records that can be exported to a CSV file when the Export or Export All actions are selected.

VSS IN Transaction Code


This parameter indicates the IN Transaction Code that will be used to create invoice transactions in Financial after an invoice is successfully submitted in VSS. The default value for this field is INVSS.

IN Transaction Department


This parameter indicates the IN Transaction Department Code that will be used to create invoice transactions in Financial after an invoice is successfully submitted in VSS. If no value is specified for this parameter the system will use the Agreement Transaction Department Code.

Vendor/Customer Address Phone Number Required


This parameter will determine if the Phone Number under the Address Information section for Vendor/Customer records is required or not.

When the parameter is set to true, the system will require the Phone Number on the Address section of the vendor/customer record to be entered.

When the parameter is set to false, the system will not require the Phone Number on the Address section of the vendor/customer record to b e entered.

Bypass Terms and Conditions


Bypass Terms and Conditions

Default vendor security realm


This property is used to set the default LDAP security realm for new vendors registering in the system.

Display only


This parameter defines the security role that you want to assign to users when the Display Only Access Level has been assigned to a user. Note: In Security setup, a Display role should be defined with Read Only access.

Max Download Lines for Download


The maximum number of lines that can be downloaded in VSS.

Vendor Self Service app


The Vendor Self Service application assigned to VSS Users.

Enrollment Home Department Code


The Home Department Code assigned to all enrolling vendor users.

External Check Number Length


The length of the External Check Number.

Internal Check Number Length


The length of the Internal Check Number.

Number of days back that a vendor can view financial inquiries


Use this to set the number of days back a vendor could view data from the financial inquiry in VSS. When each of the search pages is opened the system will automatically search on the current system date - parameter. The From Date cannot exceed this value.

VSS time for SR warning


This parameter is used by the Response transaction in VSS. The value for this parameter indicates the amount of time, prior to the Solicitation close time, when users will receive a warning on the Response transaction in VSS.

VSS Environment URL


The URL for the VSS Environment that is included in E-Mail Notifications.

Allow VSS Vendor Attachments


This parameter controls whether VSS vendors are allowed to add attachments to their accounts during VSS Registration and Maintenance. A value of Yes enables the functionality, while a value of No disables it.

Delete VSS Vendor Attachments


This parameter controls whether VSS vendors have the ability to delete attachments added to their VSS accounts. A value of Yes enables the functionality, while a value of No disables it.

Allow W-8 Forms


This parameter determines whether the W-8 Form functionality is enabled. For VSS, the vendors are allowed to add W-8 Form information to their accounts during VSS Registration and Maintenance. A value of Yes enables the functionality and a value of No disables it.

Delete VSS W-8 Forms


This parameter determines whether VSS vendors have the ability to delete W-8 Form records from their VSS accounts. A value of Yes enables the functionality and a value of No disables it.

System populates W-8 Received fields


This parameter determines whether the VSS application automatically populates the W-8 Received and W-8 Received Date fields when a W-8 Form is entered by the user. A value of Yes enables the functionality and a value of No disables it.

System populates W-9 Received fields


This parameter determines whether the VSS application automatically populates the W-9 Received and W-9 Received Date fields when a 1099 record is entered by the user. A value of Yes enables the functionality and a value of No disables it.

Masking Enabled in Email Notifications


This parameter controls whether field masking in email notifications is enabled. Field masking is enabled when the value of this parameter is True and it is disabled when the value of this parameter is False.

Masking Fields in Email Notifications


This parameter controls what data sensitive fields are masked when they are included in the message of an email notification generated in either Advantage Financial or Vendor Self Service. The data sensitive fields are only masked if the MASK_EMAIL_ENABLE parameter is set to True.  Default values are: TIN, PNT_TIN, FGN_TAX_ID, ABA_NO, ROUT_ID.

Masking Format in Email Notifications


This parameter controls how many characters (starting from the right) are revealed on the masked fields in email notifications. The default value is 4. For example a value of 4, would mask and display a TIN value of 123456789 to XXXXX6789.

Allow Grants


This parameter controls the display of the Grant Opportunities and Grant Applications sections in VSS. If the parameter is set to Yes, these areas are displayed.  If the parameter is set to No, these areas are hidden in VSS.

VSS Grant Funding Request Transaction Code


This parameter indicates the Transaction Code that is used to create grant funding request transactions in Advantage Financial after a grant funding request is successfully submitted in VSS.  The default value for this parameter is GFR.

VSS Grant Funding Request Transaction Department


This parameter indicates the Transaction Department Code that is used to create grant funding request transactions in Advantage Financial after a grant funding request is successfully submitted in VSS. If no value is specified for this parameter the system uses the Transaction Department Code from the referenced agreement transaction.

VSS Grant Funding Request Transaction Unit


This parameter indicates the Transaction Unit Code that is used to create grant funding request transactions in Advantage Financial after a grant funding request is successfully submitted in VSS.

Allow VSS vendors to choose their healthcare provider designation


This parameter controls whether the Healthcare Provider field is displayed and can be updated when the vendor registers or updates their account in VSS. A value of True indicates that the Healthcare Provider field is displayed as an editable field in VSS.  If the value is False, then the Healthcare Provider field can only be updated in Financial.

Require Consistent Healthcare Provider Designation between HQ and Location


This parameter enforces a Headquarter to Location constraint for all vendors, forcing locations to have the same Healthcare Provider designation as their Headquarter. A value of True enforces the Headquarter to Location constraint. The default for this parameter is False.

Health Care Provider EFT Enrollment


This parameter enables and sets a header label for the EFT enrollment tabs on the VSS registration pages specifically for the Healthcare Providers which allows the registrants to easily identify the tabs that apply to EFT enrollment. For example, this parameter could be set to “Health Care Provider EFT Enrollment” and that label would appear as a header above the EFT-related tabs on the registration pages, clearly denoting where the EFT tabs are for health care providers.

Configurable ACA instructional text for Healthcare Provider EFT enrollment


This parameter allows you to define the text that is displayed on the Step 2: My Business Information page. The text defined in this parameter appears underneath the header and above the EFT Enrollment section for the healthcare providers, giving further instruction or clarification on the EFT enrollment process to the healthcare providers.

The default text for this parameter is: “The following four tabs display and capture the information as required by the Federal Law for Health Care Provider EFT Enrollment. If you choose to enroll in EFT as part of the registration, fill out the Financial Institution Information section.”

The default value of the Remittance Advice Transmission Mode CVL field during VSS registration.


This parameter defines the default value of the Remittance Advice Transmission Mode CVL field that is displayed during VSS registration.

The following are the default values for Remittance Advice Transmission Mode CVL field if the vendor enters EFT information: 0- <blank>, 1Postal, 2 – Email-As an Attachment, and 3 – Email Embedded HTML.

Display Secondary Vendor



When the parameter is True, the Shopper page will display primary and secondary vendor lines from the MA.  When the parameter is False, the Shopper page will display only primary vendor lines.  The delivered value for this parameter is True.

Infer Dept from SCUSER on VCUST


This parameter, when set to True, indicates that the Department value on the Vendor/Customer (VCUST) page and on the Vendor Customer Creation (VCC) transaction is inferred and populated from the user’s Home Department on the User Information (SCUSER) page. If the parameter is set to False, then the Department is not inferred by the system. This parameter is delivered as False.

Filter Vendor Picks on Tables


This parameter, when set to True, indicates that a pick list accessed from a vendor field on any page in the system will be filtered to display only the records for the user’s Home Department. In addition to records for the user’s Home Department, the pick displays vendor records whose Department field has a wildcard value of ALL or is blank. If this parameter is set to False, the vendor field pick list will not be filtered and will display all records from the Vendor/Customer (VCUST)  table. This parameter is delivered as False.

Allow Automated Activation Code by VCM



This parameter determines whether a VCM transaction is automatically created in Financial for administrators to approve the activation code requestor's information. If set to Yes, the requestor's information is sent to Financials and an VCM transaction is created in Financial when a user requests their Activation Code in VSS. The VCM has the user’s information like phone number and email, with the Send Activation Code field set to Yes. When the VCM is approved and synced back to VSS, it will send a notification to the user with their Activation Code. If this parameter is set to No, then the VCM must be manually created in Financial by an administrator when they receive the Request Activation Code (ACTREQ) notification.

Verify Activation Hint


This parameter defines the text that should be displayed in the “Vendor Verification Based on” field when the “Verify My Locations By” field is set to Activation Code in the VCUST, VCC, and VCM pages. The default value of this parameter is “Please enter the Activation Code provided to you by the system administrator”.

Default EFT Status


Default Status when EFT Status is left blank in Financial or banking information is updated in VSS. E for EWS Requested or P for Prenote Requested.

Enable EPP


This parameter determines if the Environmental Preference section needs to be displayed on the commodity lines of procurement transactions. If set to Yes, the Environmental Preference section and fields will be available on Procurement transactions in Financial and on the Solicitation Response transaction in VSS. If set to No, the Environmental Preference section and fields will be hidden.

Require Business Tax Information on Active Vendor


This parameter, when set to True, requires the Business Tax Number be populated on the active Vendor/Customer (VCUST) records. If set to False, the Business Tax Number is not required on VCUST. This parameter is delivered as False.

1099 Domestic Address Validation


This parameter, when set to Yes, validates the address information entered on 1099 Reporting Information, 1099 Reported Income, and 1099 External Reported Income with the values entered on the City State ZIP (CSZ) table to verify the entered values are a valid combination.

If set to No, then the address information entered on 1099 Reporting Information, 1099 Reported Income, and 1099 External Reported Income will not be verified against the value entered on the City State ZIP (CSZ) table.

Prevents dual entry of TIN field


This parameter, when set to True, enables the Create Taxpayer ID and Re-Enter Taxpayer ID fields on Vendor Customer Creation (VCC) and Vendor Customer Modification (VCM) transactions. When set to False, both fields on VCC/VCM are protected and are not editable.

Note: Create Taxpayer ID and Re-Enter Taxpayer ID are tertiary fields and can be displayed using Configure Page (DESIGNER).

Bypass Address Validation


When set to True, this parameter bypasses the address validation process (this will be useful for foreign address and such instances, where address validation is not needed). When set to False, the address validation process is triggered during upon the validate/submit of the Vendor/Customer Creation (VCC) and Vendor/Customer Modification (VCM) transactions.

Allowed Melissa Address Validation Error Codes


Provides the list of error codes that are allowed for Melissa address validation. The delivered values are: AE15, AE16, AE17, AE20, and AE21.

Procurement Buyer Alert Display Duration


Procurement Buyer Alerts will be displayed for the specified number of days set in this parameter in addition to the current day.  The valid values are numeric value that are greater than 0.  If the entered value is invalid, the system will consider the default value as 1.

Send Email to All Users


When this parameter is set to True and the Account Maintenance flag is also set as Yes (Checked) for a Vendor User, emails of type CHGSUB, CHGAPP, and EFTUPT are sent to all users (Account Administrator, Full Access, and Display Only).