Vendor Transaction History
The Vendor Transaction History (VTH) inquiry allows you to search for specific information related to vendor transactions. By entering specific search criteria in the Query tab and selecting the Apply action, results of your query are then displayed in the Results tab of the page. The number of records that will be returned is limited by the VTH_MAX_REC_COUNT parameter on the Application Parameters table. If the number of records in your results set exceeds this parameter, an error will be issued and you will be asked to refine your search criteria. In addition to querying vendor history, you may also download the results to an excel spreadsheet using the actions available via the Grid Actions menu. Finally, you can also transition to other pages for more information related to the Vendor or Payment for which you are searching. This page is divided into the following areas:
The following are some general rules that apply to the Filter section of the VTH page:
At a minimum, the Vendor/Customer Code must be populated. The Vendor/Customer Code can be entered or chosen by using the pick list. If the Vendor/Customer Code is not entered, an error is issued after selecting the Apply action. You can only search for single Vendor/Customer Code at a time. If more than one Vendor/Customer Code is entered, an error is issued.
This section supports wildcard searches for all fields except for Vendor/Customer Code.
Multiple values can be entered in all fields (except Vendor/Customer Code) by separating the values with a comma.
The Address ID pick is filtered by Vendor/Customer Code (as long as Vendor is populated).
If the Transaction Code is entered in combination with Transaction Type, it must be valid for the Transaction Type. If the Transaction Code is not valid for the Transaction Type, an error is issued.
If Sub Fund is entered, Fund is required.
If Sub Unit is entered, Unit is required.
If Sub-Object is entered, Object is required.
The following Transaction Types are included when querying vendor transactions on this page:
RQ - if a Vendor Code has been used on the transaction
CR - only CR transactions with an Event Category of REF (Refund)
RE – only RE transactions with an Event Category of REF (Refund)
IET – only IET transactions where the Initiator Code on the transaction Header is equal to R (Receivable/Buyer). (Note: Includes Cancellation versions, since cancellation of these transactions represents a cancellation of an internal transfer rather than a transaction cancellation.
ITA – only ITA transactions where the Initiator Code on the transaction Header is equal to R (Receivable/Buyer). (Note: Includes Cancellation versions, since cancellation of these transactions represents a cancellation of an internal transfer rather than a transaction cancellation.
JV - if a Vendor Code has been used on the transaction
Since some query fields only apply to certain transactions, when these fields are populated, only those Transaction Types are searched to improve on performance.
When querying on Vendor Invoice Number, the only Transaction Types searched are: PR, ABS, AD, MD, DC
When querying on Bank Account Code, the only Transaction Types searched are: PR, ABS, AD, MD, DC, CR,JV, PRYL
When querying on Check Number, the only Transaction Types searched are: AD, MD, DC
When querying on Check Description, the only Transaction Types searched are: PO, PR, ABS, AD, MD, DC, PYRL
CGI Advantage only returns records that meet all specified search criteria. If the search result is greater than the number of records specified in the VTH_MAX_REC_COUNT parameter on the Application Parameters table, then an error message is displayed that indicates the query retrieved too many records and the number of records the system found. No records are returned in this situation.
Results SectionResults Section
After you have entered your search criteria and clicked the Apply link, the search results are displayed in a grid at the bottom of the page. As mentioned previously, CGI Advantage only returns records that meet all specified search criteria, and the result must be less than or equal to the number of records allowed on Application Parameters.
The number of records displayed on each page in the grid is limited. To view additional records in the results, click on the First, Previous, Next and Last links. You can also sort the results in the grid. Initially records are sorted by Record Date. Column sorts are allowed on the following fields:
Record Date (default)
Transaction Number
Referenced Transaction Number
Vendor Invoice Number
Check Number
Check Status
Certain transactions will not contain all data in the results section of the page. If the transaction does not contain the data, the fields will remain blank. For example, Purchase Order transactions will not have Check Number or Bank Account Code.
Displayed Fields:
Record Date – The Record Date on the selected transaction (RQ, PO, PR, ABS, AD, MD, DC, RE, CR, IET, ITA, JV, or PYRL).
Number – This column includes the Transaction Code, Transaction Department, and Transaction ID. All transactions and referenced transactions contain a link to open the latest version of the transaction and view the transaction details. When you close the transaction, you are taken back to where you were when you left the VTH page. For example, if you were on the second page of the results when the transaction link was selected, you will be taken back to the second page of the results when you close out of the transaction. If you click on a transaction link for a transaction that has been archived, an error message is received, indicating that the transaction cannot be opened.
Phase – The Transaction Phase for the selected transaction (RQ, PO, PR, ABS, AD, MD, DC, RE, CR, IET, ITA, JV, or PYRL). The result is displayed as F for Final and C for Cancelled. Transactions in Draft or Pending Phase are not displayed. Only the latest final version of a transaction is displayed. For example, if there are three previous versions of the same transaction, only the last submitted version of the transaction is displayed. If the last transaction is a Cancellation version, no version of that transaction is displayed. The only exception to this rule is for Transaction Type AD and MD. For these two Transaction Types, it represents a check cancellation, not a transaction cancellation.
VL – The Vendor Line Number for the selected transaction (RQ, PO, PR, ABS, AD, MD, DC, RE, CR, IET, ITA, JV, or PYRL).
CL – The Commodity Line Number for the selected transaction (RQ, PO, PR, ABS, AD, MD, DC, RE, CR, IET, ITA, JV, or PYRL). This column is blank for transactions that do not have a commodity line.
AL – The Accounting Line Number for the selected transaction (RQ, PO, PR, ABS, AD, MD, DC, RE, CR, IET, ITA, JV, or PYRL).
AL Amount – The Line Amount for the selected transaction (RQ, PO, PR, ABS, AD, MD, DC, RE, CR, IET, ITA, JV, or PYRL).
Referenced Transaction: This column includes the Referenced Transaction Code, Referenced Transaction Department, and Referenced Transaction ID for the transaction listed in the number column. It includes all reference types (including Memo). It can include:
Referenced Requisitions,
Referenced Purchase Orders,
Referenced Payment Requests, or
Referenced Receivables
Vendor Invoice No. - The Vendor Invoice Number from the associated transaction (PR, ABS, AD, MD, or PYRL).
Bank Account Code – The Bank Account Code from the selected transaction (PR, ABS, AD, MD, DC, CR, IET, ITA, JV, or PYRL).
Check Number – The Check Number from the associated transaction (AD, MD, or DC).
Check Status – The Check Status from the associated transaction (AD, MD, or DC).
Check Description - The Check Description from the associated transaction (PO, PR, ABS, AD, MD, DC, or PYRL).
Special ActionsSpecial Actions
When the Calculate Total action has been selected, the Line Amount of all of the result records are summed and displayed in the Total AL Amount field. In the case of Disbursement Transactions (AD and MD), transactions with a Phase of Cancelled are not included in the calculation.
The VTH page allows the results from a query to be exported to a CSV file by selecting the Export > Viewable Columns, Export > Available Columns, Export All > Viewable columns or Export All > Available columns action in the Grid Actions menu. Refer to the “Export Grid Results to CSV” topic in the CGI Advantage Page/Table User Guide for detailed instructions on how to export the results to a CSV file and how to use an import wizard to open the file in Microsoft Excel.
Page TransitionsPage Transitions
The Vendor Transaction History page contains transitions to other pages in CGI Advantage to provide more detailed information. Each page that you transition to contains a Back button. When you click the Back action you are taken back to where you were when you left the Vendor Transaction History page. For example, if you were on the second page of the results when the Paid Check link was selected, you will be taken back to the second page of the results when you click on the Back button on Paid Check. The following transitions are provided at the bottom of the VTH page.
Check Reconciliation – This link transitions you to the Check Reconciliation (CHREC) page. The records displayed on CHREC are filtered based on the Bank Account Code and Check Number from the selected VTH record. If the selected record on VTH does not have a Bank Account Code and Check Number, all records are returned for the page. Note: If you cannot find a check on this page, transition to the Paid Checks (PDCHK) table, which includes checks that have been reconciled.
Paid Check – This link transitions you to the Paid Check (PDCHK) page. The records displayed on PDCHK are filtered based on the Bank Account Code and Check Number from the selected VTH record. If the selected record on VTH does not have a Bank Account Code and Check Number, all records are returned for the page.
Vendor Invoice Registry - This link transitions you to the Vendor Invoice Registry (VIR) page. The records displayed on VIR are filtered based on the Vendor Code and Vendor Invoice Number from the selected VTH record. If the selected record on VTH does not have a Vendor Invoice Number, the records displayed are filtered only by Vendor Code.
Customer Information - This link transitions you to the Customer Information (CUSTS) page. The records displayed on CUSTS are filtered based on the Customer Code from the selected VTH record. If the record selected on VTH is not a customer, you are transitioned to the Customer Information page but no data is displayed.
Disbursement Query – This link transitions you to the Disbursement Query (DISBQ) page. The Transaction Number (Code, Dept, and ID) on DISBQ will automatically be populated based on the transaction selected on VTH before the transition. Because DISBQ is a query page, you will need to select the Apply link once on the DISBQ page.
Matching Status – This link transitions you to the Matching Status (MATA) page. The records displayed on MATA are filtered based on the Transaction Code, Transaction Department, Transaction ID, and Vendor Code from the selected VTH record. The Transaction Code, Transaction Department, and Transaction ID on MATA will only be populated if the selected record in the grid on VTH is of the PO Transaction Type.
Lifecycle Inquiry – This link transitions you to the Lifecycle Inquiry (LINQ) page. The search fields on LINQ are populated based on the Transaction Code, Transaction Department, and Transaction ID from the selected VTH record. You must select the Forward or Backward buttons to initiate the search on the LINQ page.
Vendor Payment History – This link transitions you to the Vendor Payment History (VPAY) page. The search fields on VPAY are automatically populated based on the value in the search fields on the VTH page and the query is automatically initiated when transitioning to VPAY from VTH.