Vendor Invoice Registry
The Vendor Invoice Registry (VIR) inquiry displays a list of each Vendor Invoice recorded in CGI Advantage. The Vendor Invoice Registry is used to ensure that duplicate invoices are not recorded from the same vendor.
The following information is stored on this table:
Vendor Code
The Vendor’s Invoice and line number
The Advantage Invoice Transaction ID and line number
Multiple Reference Indicator – to indicate whether this Invoice has been referenced multiple times
Dollar Amount
Last Reference Date
This page contains the following actions/links:
Row-Level actions/linksRow-Level actions/links
Vendor Transaction History - This link transitions you to the Vendor Transaction History page. The Vendor Customer and Vendor Invoice Number on Vendor Transaction History will be populated with the Vendor Code and Vendor Invoice Number from the selected Vendor Invoice Registry record. Once on Vendor Transaction History, you will need to select the Apply action to perform a query. Select the Back action to return to the Vendor Invoice Registry page.
Vendor Payment History - This link transitions you to the Vendor Payment History page. The Vendor Customer and Vendor Invoice Number on Vendor Payment History will be populated with the Vendor Code and Vendor Invoice Number from the selected Vendor Invoice Registry record. Once on Vendor Transaction History, you will need to select the Apply action to perform a query. Select the Back action to return to the Vendor Invoice Registry page.