Matching Status Tables

Matching uses multiple tables to store and compare all of the Ordered, Received, Invoiced, and Paid amounts for a particular Award transaction. Such activity is tracked on the Matching Status (MATA) table. The following types of transactions are eligible to update the Matching Status tables:

CGI Advantage Procurement uses six different Matching Status tables ((Matching Status Invoice Header, Matching Status Invoice Line, Matching Status Award, Matching Status Award Line, Matching Status Receiver Line, and Matching Status Payment Line) to record data from Awards, Receivers, Invoices, and Payment Requests:

Two different views are associated with matching in CGI Advantage: Matching Status (MATA) and the Matching Status (Single Award Line). The Matching Status (Single Award Line) page only shows matching information for the selected Award Line (commodity line) and not all of the lines on the Award. Transitions between the two tables exist that perform searches on the second table when navigating between tables based on the selected record on the first table.

The Award Transaction link transitions you to the latest version of the corresponding transaction (that is, Doc Code, Doc Dept and Doc ID).

Payment Requests generated via Matching Manager

Override Functionality