Matching Status Tables

Matching uses multiple tables to store and compare all of the Ordered, Received, Invoiced, and Paid amounts for a particular Award transaction. Such activity is tracked on the Matching Status (MATA) table. The following types of transactions are eligible to update the Matching Status tables:

  • Commodity Based Purchase Orders (Any transaction code that belongs to the PO Transaction Type)

  • Receivers (RC or other transaction codes in the RC Transaction Type that referenced an order)

  • Invoices (IN or other transaction codes in the IN Transaction Type that referenced an order)

  • Commodity Based Payment Requests (PRC, PRCI, PRM, PRMI, CEC, and any transaction code in the PR Transaction Type that referenced an order.)

CGI Advantage Procurement uses six different Matching Status tables ((Matching Status Invoice Header, Matching Status Invoice Line, Matching Status Award, Matching Status Award Line, Matching Status Receiver Line, and Matching Status Payment Line) to record data from Awards, Receivers, Invoices, and Payment Requests:

Two different views are associated with matching in CGI Advantage: Matching Status (MATA) and the Matching Status (Single Award Line). The Matching Status (Single Award Line) page only shows matching information for the selected Award Line (commodity line) and not all of the lines on the Award. Transitions between the two tables exist that perform searches on the second table when navigating between tables based on the selected record on the first table.

The Award Transaction link transitions you to the latest version of the corresponding transaction (that is, Doc Code, Doc Dept and Doc ID).

Payment Requests generated via Matching ManagerPayment Requests generated via Matching Manager

Each time one of the transactions designated by the Matching Indicator value from the Commodity or Procurement Transaction Control table is generated via Matching Manager, the Transaction ID of the PR transaction appears as a hyperlink in the Payment column on the Payment Line tab of the Matching Status (Single Award Line) table (when in View mode). When multiple PR transactions are created, each transaction will be displayed as a separate row on the Payment Line tab of the Matching Status (Single Award Line) table.

Advantage allows authorized users to archive and unarchive records on the Matching Status tables by submitting the Matching Tables Archive or the Matching Tables Archive Restore chain job. Refer to the associated run sheets in the CGI Advantage Financial - Utilities Run Sheets guide for more information.

Override FunctionalityOverride Functionality

The Matching Status table allows you to bypass the matching process and manually create a Payment Request in Draft Phase for one or more Award lines. Select Yes in the Create Payment field on the Award Line tab of the Matching Status table in View mode for the desired Award Line(s). Then select the Override action. This generates a Payment Request transaction in the Draft Phase on the Transaction Catalog that must be manually processed by a user with the appropriate authority. The Transaction ID of the Payment Request transaction that is generated appears as a hyperlink on the Payment Line tab of the Matching Status table in View mode. PRC transactions created by the override functionality on MATA are consistent with PRM transactions generated by the Matching process in the following two ways:

  • If available, IN transaction information is populated on the PRC Commodity Line.

  • Multiple PRC transactions will be created if multiple IN’s reference the same Award transaction, and the IN transactions contain different disbursement information. If multiple PRC transactions are generated, each PRC transaction will be displayed as a separate row on the Payment Line tab of the Matching Status table.

If there is no IN Transaction information to be retrieved for a selected Award Commodity Line, the PRC will still be generated and no error will be issued upon selection of the Override link. (If the selected Award line contains an Order/Invoice commodity, an error will be issued when the PRC is validated or submitted).  

Note: The override functionality will generate PRC transactions for the selected Award line(s) on the active page. For example, a user selects the Create PRC flag on Award lines 1-20 and clicks the Next link to view Award lines 21-40. After checking the Create PRC flag for Award lines 21-40 and clicking the Override link, PRC transactions are generated for Award lines 21-40. No PRC transactions are generated for Award lines 1-20 because they were not displayed on the page when the Override link was selected.