Evaluation State
Once all bids have been received and a solicitation closing date has passed, the procurement moves into the Evaluation State where responses are inspected, evaluated, and ranked against all other responses. Activities during this State are performed by either individual buyers or by Evaluation Committees. The Procurement Management page is the central repository for all evaluation transactions, milestones, and notes for a procurement. Refer to the "Procurement Management" topic for more information. The Evaluation State is delivered with the EV Transaction Type.
CGI Advantage Procurement helps buyers perform the Evaluation Business Process by providing:
Bid tabulation and views of vendor responses for line items, groups, and totals
Links to Solicitation Response (SR and SRW) transactions
Ability to attach comments to a vendor’s response
Ability to score individual responses
Ability to score responses twice (without pricing attachments and then with pricing attachments)
System ranking of vendors by point totals
Mandatory criteria for disqualification purposes
The Vendor Performance Rating field on the Vendor Customer table may be used in conjunction with the Rank that is available on the Performance Evaluation (PE) transaction; though the two are not directly tied together (there will be no inference from the Vendor Customer table).
The following areas are important to understand in regards to the Evaluation State: