Renewal History

The Renewal History (RNHIST) page allows you to search for your Master Agreements or Contracts using the Transaction Code, Transaction Department, and Transaction ID fields. This search keys on the Base Agreement ID, which allows you to select all Renewal Period Lines associated with the Base Agreement ID regardless of the actual MA or CT Transaction ID. The Base Agreement ID still locates the MA or CT Transaction ID for those sites that revise the MA or CT instead of creating a new MA or CT because the logic is to always set the Base Agreement ID equal to the MA or CT Transaction ID (including Transaction Department and Transaction Code). Wildcard searching is available. Enter your search criteria and select Apply. A record is displayed in the grid for each renewal period for the Master Agreement or Contract that matched the search results.

By default, specific amount columns and transaction details are displayed in the grid results. This can be configured to show additional columns or hide currently displayed columns. To view additional details about a renewal period displayed in the grid results, select the View row-level action.

Details on Amounts for MA transactionsDetails on Amounts for MA transactions

Details on Amounts for CT transactionsDetails on Amounts for CT transactions

This page contains the following actions/links:

Row-Level actions/linksRow-Level actions/links