Commodity Object

The Commodity Object (COMMOB) table allows you to set up specific Objects/Sub Objects for a specific commodity code. Additionally on the Commodity Object page and Search window, the Commodity pick list that contains the Commodity Code information also includes the Extended Description field on the grid section, which displays a maximum of the first 255 characters of the Extended Description for the Commodity.

Configuration Points:

  • Commodity Codes must first be set up on the Commodity (COMM) table.

  • Multiple Objects/Sub Objects can be assigned to a commodity for each department. The first Object/Sub Object in the list for a department will be the default; you can choose any of the other valid Objects/Sub Objects for your department. 

  • If a commodity does not have an Object/Sub Object assigned to it, then all available Objects/Sub Objects can be used. 

  • Data is entered into this table by clicking the Commodity Object link on the Commodity table, or by accessing the table from Global Search.