The Commodity (COMM) table allows you to setup and maintain goods and service commodity codes. Commodity codes allow you to categorize, identify, and track purchases and consumption information.
Configuration Points:
General InformationGeneral Information
The Commodity (COMM) table has Class, Item, Group and Detail fields that are modeled after the National Institute of Government Procurement (NIGP) structure. If the Structured Commodity check box is selected, then the Class field must have three digits and the Item and Group fields must have two digits. The Detail field provides another seven characters for further categorization of commodity codes.
If Structured Commodity is chosen, a Class/Item combination must be created before it is used in combination with the Group field. Likewise, a Class/Item/Group combination must be created before they can be used in conjunction with a Detail field.
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. The NAICS categories and definitions were designed and documented in such a way to allow business establishments to determine the most appropriate NAICS code for their business and can be used for procurement and regulatory purposes. The NAICS field allows you to assign a NAICS category to an Advantage commodity record for reporting purposes. The NAICS Code can be used when you run reports that capture procurement transactions by NAICS categories. If the NAICS code is not known, you can search for the six digit NAICS code on the North American Industry Classification System website and select the code that best fits with the Commodity Code and manually enter the code in the NAICS field on the COMM table. For example: The NAICS code that would apply to Commodity records used for Highway, Street and Bridge Construction may be assigned NAICS code 237310 or Commodity records used for Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors may be assigned NAICS code 238210.
The Category field is not a required field on this table. The Commodity Category set up on the Commodity Category table as the default record will automatically be inferred into this field upon saving or validation. However, you can select a different Category by using the pick list which allows you to choose a valid Category from the COMMCAT table. Different Commodity Category codes can be assigned to any commodity record regardless of the Commodity Class hierarchy, that is, Class, Item, Group, or Detail.
Active is another important field and must be checked if you want to be able to use the commodity.
Extended Description is required if the inventory flag is checked.
General Option FlagsGeneral Option Flags
If Fixed Asset is checked then CGI Advantage Procurement will know to go to the Commodity Fixed Asset Threshold table for additional rules.
The Commodity table allows you to designate whether the commodity is stored in Inventory by selecting the Inventory flag.
The Class Item in Grouping option is used on the Universal Requestor. The default grouping is by Class. If this option is checked then it will also sort by the combination of Class and Item.
Surplus indicates that the item is no longer needed and may be sold.
The Freight flag will be used to designate a commodity code for recording freight charges. This commodity would be used on a separate commodity line on the transaction. Refer to the "Freight" topic for more information.
The External Service field indicates whether the commodity is a “service” commodity shared between Maximo and Advantage. When the Commodity Code is used on a transaction with a Line Type of Service and Maximo is installed certain edit rules and logic are triggered.
The Contract Withholding Exempt check box indicates whether the payment line is exempt from contract withholding. If the Contract Withholding Exempt check box is selected for the commodity on the Commodity table, then all accounting lines for that commodity will be exempt from Contract Withholding. For more information on Contract Withholding, refer to the Tax Reporting User Guide.
The Master Agreement flag is automatically selected (checked) when the Commodity is available for order from a Master Agreement. If the Mandatory Source flag is selected on the Master Agreement for the Commodity, then the Mandatory Source flag on the COMM page is automatically selected as well. If the Mandatory Source flag is selected, then the Mandatory Source functionality is initiated if a user tries to purchase that commodity. Refer to the “Mandatory Source Functionality” topic for more information.
The Grant flag on the Commodity (COMM) page indicates whether the selected Commodity Code is a Grant Code.
The Catalog flag is automatically selected (checked) when an active record is available for the corresponding Commodity in the Catalog Maintenance (CATM) table. If the Catalog flag is True, then the Inventory Replenishment Review job will refer to the CATM table to identify if there is an eligible Catalog record available for replenishment.
You can use the standard Specifications/Instructions section of this table to type a specification that you always want included on an award for this commodity.
You are also required to check the SDS (Safety Data Sheet) option if the commodity is hazardous. This option requires you to verify on the Receiver that the SDS has been received.
Use the Assignments section to assign a Buyer or a Buyer Team to the commodity. Buyers must be setup on the Buyer (BUYR) table before they can be selected on this table. Buyer Teams must be setup on the Buyer Team (WBUYR) table before they can be selected on this table.
Select an Expeditor to speed up the procurement process.
This page contains the following actions/links:
Record-Level Actions/LinksRecord-Level Actions/Links
Commodity Object - Transitions you to the Commodity Object page, which displays all object(s) that have been assigned to the selected commodity code. You can add/remove records from this page.
Commodity Fixed Asset Threshold - Transitions you to the Commodity FA Threshold page, which displays all thresholds that have been assigned to the selected commodity code. For more information, refer to the CGI Advantage Fixed Assets User Guide.
Page-Level Actions/LinksPage-Level Actions/Links
Mandatory Source Master Agreement Lines - Transitions you to the Mandatory Source Master Agreement Lines page, which lists all MA Commodity lines that are identified as a Mandatory Source.