The Commodity tab of the Solicitation allows a buyer to indicate specific details about the item that they are soliciting. For example, packing instructions, size, color, manufacturer, and warranty information can be specified.
Pricing AttachmentsPricing Attachments
*Note: For Solicitations submitted without commodity lines, vendors can choose an Attachment Type of Pricing when attaching their pricing information to their vendor response in Vendor Self Service (VSS). Once the Solicitation Closing Date and Closing Time has passed, the vendor responses are synched from VSS to Advantage with all attachments, except for those with an Attachment Type of Pricing. Pricing attachments remain secured in the VSS lockbox, until the Pricing Attachment Open Date and Pricing Attachment Open Time, on the Header of the EV transaction, has passed. This feature allows the evaluation of responses without being influenced by pricing. Evaluations can be completed twice, once without pricing information and once with pricing information.
Create a T&C TemplateCreate a T&C Template
The Commodity tab allows you to optionally place the Terms and Conditions you have set up on the Commodity T & C tab of the RFP for the selected Commodity line into a template on the Terms and Conditions Template (TRMTM) table. The New Terms and Conditions Template field and the Name field must be populated and the Add Template check box must be selected, to add the new template to the TRMTM table Once added, the newly created template can be selected on future transactions.
Line Item PreferencesLine Item Preferences
The Line Item Preference fields allow buyers to indicate up to 5 Preference Codes that are applicable to the selected Commodity line. Pick lists are provided to the Line Item Preference table and only valid values set up on this table can be entered in the Preference 1 through 5 fields. Each Preference record has an associated Weight Factor % and an optional Dollar Cap that is inferred from the Line Item Preference table. On the Solicitation Response transaction, you can select the Include check box if the vendor wants to be considered eligible for the selected Preference and bid price. On the Evaluation transaction, the buyer can change the value of the Include flag from what was inferred from the Solicitation Response transaction.
Additionally on the Solicitation Transaction Type transactions (BAFO, RA, RFB,RFI, RFP,RFQ, SPL, and SSB) the Commodity pick field that contains the Commodity Code information also includes the Extended Description field on the grid section, which displays a maximum of the first 255 characters of the Extended Description for the Commodity.
Required/Conditionally Required FieldsRequired/Conditionally Required Fields
The following field is required:
Line Type
The following fields are required if the Line Type is Item:
Unit Price
The following field is required if the Line Type is Service:
Contract Amount
The following field is allowed only if the Line Type is Service:
Pre Fixed Line
If the Pre Fixed Line check box is selected, Pre Fixed Contract Amount will be required and should be greater than 0.
The following fields are conditionally required, based on site specific setup on the Transaction Control (DCTRL) table:
Commodity Line Description
The following fields are conditionally required, based on site specific setup on the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table:
*Shipping Location
Shipping Method
Free on Board
Delivery Date
Delivery Type
*Billing Location
Packing Instructions
Hazardous Materials
Special Handling
Additional Handling
Warranty Type
Terms and Conditions Template
Note: The Shipping Location and Billing Location default from the Procurement User table, based on the value specified in the Requestor ID field on the Header.
Refer to the "SO Transaction Type" topic for information on the Inactive Line functionality and Lock Order Specs functionality .
If the Enforce Transaction Department Validation field on the Transaction Control (DCTRL) page is selected, the values entered in the following fields are validated against the Transaction Department to verify that the value entered is authorized for that specific Transaction Department:
Referenced Transaction Department
Shipping Location
Billing Location
T & C Template
If the Allow Extended Description Edit flag on the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) page is checked, editing is allowed on the Extended Description field on the subsequent versions of the transaction.
The Commodity tab contains the following actions/links:
Page-Level ActionsPage-Level Actions
Refer to the "Transaction Actions" topic in the Transactions User Guide for information on common actions that apply to the entire transaction.
Tab-Level actions/linksTab-Level actions/links
Load T & C Commodity - When selected, any terms and conditions associated with the template selected in the T & C Template field are loaded to the Commodity T&C tab.
Additional Extended Description - This action transitions you to the Commodity Extended Description page, which allows you to add additional information for the selected Commodity line than what can be captured in the Ext Description field.