Contract Goals Line

The Contract Goals Line (CTGL) page is used to capture subcontractors and subcontract specific information, such as:

The Business Type tab displays information specified on the Business Type component of the Vendor/Customer table for the sub-vendor entered on this page. This information corresponds to the Business Type, as well as the associated Minority Type and Status as specified in the corresponding fields on the Vendor/Customer table. Only the Business Types where the Certification Date is greater than the current System Date are displayed.

A record can only be saved on this page if a corresponding record exists on the Contract Goal Header page (that is, the Vendor Code, Transaction Code, Transaction Dept, and Transaction ID combination match a record on Contract Goal Header). Direct manual updates to an existing record are not allowed. You should copy and paste the record, make the needed changes, and then save the new record. The number in the Sequence field is automatically updated by Advantage. The Current Record field is automatically selected for the most recent record (that is, the one with the greatest number in the Sequence field). This field is available as a search criterion, so that you can narrow your search to only the most current records.

The Contract Goals Header action transitions you to the Contract Goals Header (CGTH) page. Only records with the same Transaction Code, Transaction Dept, Transaction ID and Vendor code values are displayed.