Create a Request via Shopper

For more information on the Universal Requestor (UR) transaction, refer to the "RQ Transaction Type" topic. For information on the Shopper (SHOP) page, refer to the "Shopper (SHOP)" topic.

To create a request using the Shopper (SHOP) page, perform these steps:

  1. Open the Shopper (SHOP) page.

  2. Search for the commodity that you want to request.

  • At a minimum you must either enter a value in the Search For field or you must populate the Vendor, Commodity or Warehouse fields. Refer to page level help for information on how the searching works on this page. For example, enter *paper* in the Search For field or select the desired Commodity code from the Commodity pick list.

  • Select the Search button after you have entered your search criteria. Repeat the steps given above to narrow your search results.

  1. Add the Commodity to your Shopping Cart.

  2. Select the line in the search results for the commodity that you want to request.

  • For an Item: Enter the amount that you want to request in the Quantity field and populate the Unit and Unit Price fields. Select Add to Cart. (Note: The Quantity, Unit, and Unit Price fields must all be populated if any of the fields are populated for a given line.)

  • For Services: Indicate the amount in the SC Amount field and then select Add to Cart. The Shopping Cart icon at the top of the Shopper page is updated with the total items/services added and the total price. The Quantity/Unit/Unit Price/SC Amount fields are blanked out after an item/service is successfully added to the Shopping Cart.

  1. Repeat Step 4 until you have added all the items that you want to request to your Shopping Cart. If you have entered a value into the Quantity, Unit, Unit Price or SC Amount fields, then you must select the Add to Cart button before navigating from this page or selecting any other link or button on this page; otherwise, a warning message is issued. Selecting Leave Page/OK (depending on your browser) clears any data entry from items not added to the shopping cart and transitions you to your intended destination. Selecting Stay on Page/Cancel (depending on your browser) keeps you on the current page and maintains the values you have entered into the Quantity, Unit, Unit Price or SC Amount fields.

Note: When adding multiple rows to a Cart with a single click, then the user must select all the desired rows, enter the required values, and then click on the Add to Cart icon next to the Export icon on the header of the corresponding section.

  1. Verify Shopping Cart Items.

  • Select the Edit Shopping Cart button, which transitions you to the Shopping Cart page.

  • Verify that all items in your Shopping Cart are correct. You can make modifications directly from this page. Refer to the Shopping Cart page help for more information.

  • Populate the Shipping Location, Billing Location and Delivery Date fields.

  • Select the Proceed to Checkout button, which transitions you to the Checkout page.

  1. Initiate the Checkout Process.

  • From the Checkout page, you can populate the Transaction Identifier tab. The Code field defaults for you. In this scenario the value specified in the Requisition Default Transaction Code parameter on the Shop Configuration page defaults to the Code field. You can only choose valid UR Transaction Sub Type codes.

  • You can optionally specify an Accounting Template or an Accounting Profile.

  • You can optionally specify a PCard ID.

  • You can manually enter a unique transaction id in the ID field, or you can select the Auto Numbering flag if a record is set up on the Auto Numbering (ADNT) page for the current Fiscal Year for the specified Transaction Code and Department.

  • Select the Checkout button when you are ready to create the Universal Requestor transaction. Note: An entry must exist on the Universal Requestor Control (URCTRL) table for the selected Commodity and Department. If no error is received, then you are automatically taken to the generated UR transaction.

  1. Complete the Step 1: Header tab.

  • No particular field on the General Information section is mandatory nor is any required for this task. However, Transaction Name and/or Transaction Description can be conditionally required with the Transaction Control (DCTRL) table. Requestor ID and/or Issuer ID can be conditionally required with the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table.

  • On the Contact section, enter information into the Requestor Name, Phone Number and Email fields. (If a value is entered in the Requestor ID field on the General Information section, then the values in this field are populated on Save.)

  • No particular field on the Additional Information section is mandatory nor is any required for this task. However, PCard ID can be conditionally required with the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table.

  • No particular field on the Reporting section is mandatory nor is any required for this task. However, Reporting 1, Reporting 2, and Reporting 3 can be conditionally required with the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table.

  1. Expand and complete the Step 4: Commodity tab.

  • On the General Information section, the Line Type field is required. If the Line Type is Item, the Quantity, Unit and Unit Price fields are required on the General Information section. CL Description and Vendor Customer Code can be conditionally required with the Transaction Control (DCTRL) table. Commodity, Shipping Location, Billing Location and Delivery Date can be conditionally required with the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table.

  • On the Service Contract section, if the Line Type is Service, the Contract Amount field is required.

  • On the Shipping/Billing section, select Ship/Bill From Header. Result: The values entered in the fields on the Additional Information section on the Step 1: Header tab default to all blank fields on the Shipping/Billing section for the selected commodity line. Note: If you have multiple commodity lines that share the same shipping and billing information, then select Ship/Bill To Lines on the Header to populate all blank fields on the Shipping/Billing section for all commodity lines. Shipping Method, Free on Board, Delivery Date, Delivery Type and Billing Location can be conditionally required with the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table.

  • On the Specifications section, Packing Instructions, Hazardous Materials, Special Handling, Additional Handling Info, Manufacturer, and Model can be conditionally required with the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table.

  • On the Tolerance section, Under Contract Amt, Under Quantity, Over Contract Amt, and Over Quantity can be conditionally required with the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table.

  • On the Additional Information section, Issuer can be conditionally required with the Procurement Transaction Control (PRDOC) table.

  • Repeat the above given steps if there is more than one commodity line being requested.

Note: If the Require UR Accounting flag is selected on the System Options table, then the Step 5: Accounting tab must be populated for each commodity line. Refer to the "Accounting" topic for help in populating that tab.

  1. Click the Validate button to validate for errors.

  2. If errors exist, fix the errors and repeat Step 8. If no errors exist, then continue with Step 12.

  3. Click the Submit button to submit the transaction.

  4. View and/or submit the generated transactions.

  • Expand the Step 7: Generated Transactions tab.

  • All transactions generated by your UR transaction are listed on this tab.

If the Auto Submit From UR flag is selected on the System Options table, then all transactions generated by the UR will automatically be submitted when the UR goes to Final.

If the Auto Submit From UR flag is not selected on the System Options table, then the generated transactions are not submitted when the UR goes to Final; the Transaction Status is Held. Therefore, click the Transaction ID link to open the transaction. Modify the generated transaction, if needed. Validate and Submit the generated transaction.

Note: Once the generated transactions have been submitted to Final, the buyer or buyer team assigned to your procurement will complete your request.