RQ Transaction Type

The Requisition (RQ) Transaction Type can be used to formally request the procurement of goods or services. This transaction type is typically used when the item or service cannot be directly fulfilled through an existing Master Agreement, stocked in inventory, or will exceed max spending limits. Requisitions are used for procurements that require the approval or attention of a procurement officer to fulfill the request. The Requisition transaction describes the specifications of the goods or services that you are requesting.

Important Features for the Requisition (RQ) Transaction Type:

Key Functions of the Requisition Transactions

Inactive Line Functionality on Requisition Transactions

Lock Order Specs Functionality

Key inputs/outputs of the Requisition Transactions

For detailed information on each of the tabs that exist on the RQ, refer to the following topics:

The UR transaction contains many of the same tabs listed above; however the Step number is listed first. Also, the UR transaction contains two additional sections that do not exist on the other RQ transactions:

RQ Delivered Transaction Codes

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