External Email and Letter Configuration

The External Email and Letter Configuration (ELGT) table is used to determine the emails or letters that can be automatically sent from the system as well as indicate the configurable text that will make up the email/letter. In addition to the client-specified text that can be indicated in the table, system generated text will also be included in the emails/letters. The system-generated text identifies specific information intended to assist the User in identifying the purpose of the correspondence. Some of the system-generated text that is included in the emails and letters can be considered confidential or sensitive. In order to prevent this sensitive data from being displayed in the generated emails and letters, you can indicate that certain fields be masked in the emails and letters. This functionality is controlled through the following three parameters on the Application Parameters page: Masking Enabled in Email Notifications (MASK_EMAIL_ENABLE), Masking Fields in Email Notifications (MASK_EMAIL_FIELD), and Masking Format in Email Notifications (MASK_EMAIL_FORMAT). Please see the "Application Parameter" topic for more information.

This table can be accessed online through CGI Advantage and Vendor Self Service (VSS), and is synchronized with VSS through the Export from Advantage and Load to VSS Batch Processes. If a VSS Admin user changes any of the values in VSS, then the SA13 job will display the difference. You can either update the values in Financial to match the values in VSS Admin or update the values in VSS Admin to match the values in Financial.

Configuration Points

Emails generated by VSS

Emails or letters generated by Advantage