Initiate Checkout Process

The Checkout page allows you to generate the appropriate transaction based on the items selected in your Shopping Cart. The following fields are displayed on the Checkout page.

The Edit Shopping Cart button transitions you to the Shopping Cart page, which displays the items that were added to the Shopping Cart. The Shopping Cart page allows you to update specific information about the selected items and the purchase as a whole. Refer to the “Shopping Cart” topic for more information.

The Continue Shopping button transitions you to the Shopper (SHOP) page, which allows you to search for additional items that you want to purchase. Refer to page help for the “Shopper” page for more information.

If a Universal Requestor (UR) transaction is being generated, then all Commodities in your Shopping Cart must be established on the Universal Requestor Control (URCTRL) page for your Department. Departments use the Universal Requestor Control (URCTRL) page to identify the Dollar Threshold, Procurement Type, and Buyer associated with a commodity. Refer to the “Universal Requestor Setup” topic for more information.

The Checkout button initiates the process of transaction generation. Upon clicking the Checkout button, a pop-up confirmation window is displayed. Select Cancel if you do not want to initiate the checkout process; you will remain on the Checkout page. Select OK if you are ready to checkout. The system will create the appropriate transaction as specified by information in the Code/Dept/ID fields on the Checkout page, and you are transitioned to the created transaction. The Shopping Cart is cleared when the transaction is successfully generated.  

Note: The system will issue an error, if the ‘Verify Check-Out’ flag is set to True on the Shopper Configuration (SCNFG) page and the user is trying to check out with a loose commodity and items on a Master Agreement (MA) together in the same cart.

When the Checkout process generates a UR, it incorporates all of the selected Commodity Lines from the Shopping Cart, as well as any Vendor Quotes that have been entered (regardless of whether they were added to the Shopping Cart) into the Commodity Comparison tab of the UR transaction. This allows you to retain historical documentation of vendor quotes.

When the Checkout process attempts to generate a transaction where the component line limit for the Transaction Type would be exceeded, then generation of that transaction will fail. When this happens for the Commodity Group or Commodity Line components, then some of the items in your Shopping Cart should be removed and re-selected after the Checkout process has completed for the current Shopping Cart. The alternative is to request a larger limit from the system administrator.