The Manager (MANG) table allows you to define and maintain a list of workload managers. Workload managers view and manage procurements assigned to buyers and buyer teams that are the responsibility of the workload manager. Every user that will be managing procurements and buyers within CGI Advantage Procurement must be added to the Manager table. When a record is added to the Manager page, the Active flag is automatically checked. You may inactivate a Manager in the system by clearing the Active flag. This may only be done if the Manager is not referenced on the Procurement Type page.
Configuration Points
Managers must first be added to the Procurement User table.
The Department will default from the User Information table in the Administration application, after choosing a User ID in the Manager field and selecting Save. You can override the inferred Department.
Managers can be assigned to Procurement Types on the Procurement Type table.
If a manager is assigned to a Manager Team on the Manager Team (WTEAM) table, then the team is listed on the Team tab on the MANG table, when viewed in Edit mode. (If a manager is just managing the Manager team, then the team will not appear on the Team tab for the manager).