Open Solicitation Responses
The Open Solicitation Responses (OPSR) inquiry allows you to search for all draft Solicitation Response transactions (includes both SRW and SR transactions). This page allows you to search for a Solicitation Response transaction by:
Solicitation Response - using the Response Code, Response Department or Response ID
Referenced Solicitation - using the Solicitation Code, Solicitation Department, Solicitation ID or Description
Vendor - using the Vendor ID.
This page can be accessed by clicking the Find Responses in Progress link on the Solicitation Wizard page or from Global Search. If this page is accessed from Solicitation Response Wizard and a solicitation was selected on that page, then the inquiry will only display Solicitation Responses for the selected solicitation. If the link is clicked without a Solicitation selected, all draft Solicitation Responses (includes both SRW and SR transactions) are displayed.
If this page is accessed from Global Search then the query will be blank. You must enter either the n order to perform a search. The list of draft Solicitation Responses returned from a search is sorted in ascending order by Vendor Legal Name.
You can click the SR Transaction link to transition to a SR or SRW transaction. Click the Edit action from the page-level menu to make changes to the transaction.